
Dipendenze da sostanze e comportamenti e nuovi stili di consumo


Dipendenze patologiche da sostanze stupefacenti

  • Santo, T., Clark, B., Hickman, M., Grebely, J., Campbell, G., Sordo, L., Pavarin, R., ... & Degenhardt, L. (2021). Association of opioid agonist treatment with all-cause mortality and specific causes of death among people with opioid dependence: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA psychiatry, 78(9), 979-993. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.0976
  • Pavarin, R. M., Fioritti, A., Fabbri, C., Sanchini, S., & De Ronchi, D. (2021). Comparison of Mortality Rates between Italian and Foreign-born Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 1-11. doi: 10.1080/02791072.2021.2014082
  • Pavarin R. M., Sanchini S., Tadonio L., Domenicali M., Caputo F., Pacetti M. (2021). Suicide mortality risk in a cohort of individuals treated for alcohol, heroin or cocaine abuse: Results of a follow-up study. PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH, 296, 113639-113645. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113639
  • Pavarin R, Sanchini S, Marani S, Turino E, Tadonio L, Caputo F (2020). Mortality risk among individuals treated for alcohol use disorders Results of a longitudinal study from 1978 to 2016 in Northern Italy. EUROPEAN REVIEW FOR MEDICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 24, 1995-2005, doi: 10.26355/eurrev_202002_20377
  • Cervi F.; Friso F.; Saucedo G.; Biolcati R.; Torres J.; Politi M., The experience of the therapeutic community “Takiwasi center” in the context nof natural and integrative medicine, «MEDICINA NATURISTA», 2019, 13, 12 – 19.
  • Pavarin R, Sanchini S, Marani S, Turino E, Tadonio L, Cantarelli B (2019). Mortality risk among heroin users accessing treatment: natives and non-natives patients. Results of a longitudinal study. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS, p. 1-10, doi:10.1080/02791072.2019.1706014
  • Passini, S. (2017). Getting High as Part of a “Bad” Reputation: Social Reputation and Binge Drinking. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 26(2), 125-131. doi:10.1080/1067828X.2016.1237916
  • Passini, S. (2012). The delinquency-drug relationship: The influence of social reputation and moral disengagement. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 577-579. doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2012.01.012


Dipendenze patologiche da comportamento e fattori di rischio

Dipendenze tecnologiche - Internet addiction disorder (IAD), Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), Social Media addiction

  • Biolcati R.; Pupi V.; Mancini G., Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG) Player Profiles: Exploring Player’s Motives Predicting Internet Addiction Disorder, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HIGH RISK BEHAVIORS AND ADDICTION», 2021, 10, pp. 1 – 7. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.107530.
  • Biolcati, Roberta; Passini, Stefano; Pupi, Virginia, The role of video gaming motives in the relationship between personality risk traits and Internet Gaming Disorder, «JOURNAL OF GAMBLING ISSUES», 2021, 46, pp. 221 – 241. https://doi.org/10.4309/jgi.2021.46.12
  • Biolcati, Roberta; Mancini, Giacomo; Pupi, Virginia; Mugheddu, Valeria, Facebook Addiction: Onset Predictors, «JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE», 2018, 7, pp. 118 – 129. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm7060118
  • Biolcati, Roberta; Mancini, Giacomo; Trombini, Elena, Brief report: The influence of dissociative experiences and alcohol/drugs dependence on Internet addiction, «MEDITERRANEAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY», 2017, 5, pp. 1 – 13


Gioco d’azzardo patologico

  • Pavarin R, Domenicali M, Marani S, Turino E, Caputo F (2021). Mortality risk in a population of patients treated for Gambling Disorders: results of a follow-up study. ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ, 57, 205-211, doi: 10.4415/ANN_21_03_03
  • Pavarin, R. M., Fabbri, C., Fioritti, A., Marani, S., & De Ronchi, D. (2021). Gambling disorder in an italian population: risk of suicide attempts and associated demographic-clinical factors using electronic health records. Journal of gambling studies, 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s10899-021-10088-1
  • Pavarin R (2018). Gioco problematico: evidenze empiriche e riflessioni per la prevenzione. PRISMA 3, 16-40, doi: 10.3280/PRI2016-003003
  • Pavarin R, Fioritti A, Marani S, Gambini D, Turino E, Piazza A (2018). Who Are the Subjects with Gambling-Related Problems Requiring Treatment? A Study in Northern Italy. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE, 7(4), 80, doi: 10.3390/jcm7040080
  • Pavarin R, Zenesini C, Fioritti A (2017). Estimate of the prevalence of subjects with gambling-related problems requiring treatment: a study in Northern Italy. ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ, 53, 322-329, doi: 10.4415/ANN_17_04_08
  • Roberta Biolcati; Stefano Passini; Mark D. Griffiths, All-in and Bad Beat: Professional Poker Players and Pathological Gambling, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION», 2015, 13, pp. 19 – 32, doi:10.1007/s11469-014-9506-1


Compulsive buying

  • Biolcati, R. (2017). The role of self-esteem and fear of negative evaluation in compulsive buying. Frontiers in Psychiatry8, 74. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyt.2017.00074
  • Pavarin, R. M., & Biolcati, R. (2015). Women between normality and dependence: a study of problematic consumption and dependence in women aged 30–50 years. Journal of Substance Use20(2), 143-150. https://doi.org/10.3109/14659891.2013.878759
  • Biolcati, R., & Melotti, G. (2013). Contribution to the internal validation of the Italian version of the Compulsive Buying Scale (Valance, d'Astous and Fortier, 1988). BPA-Applied Psychology Bulletin (Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata)59(266).



  • Mazzetti, G., Biolcati, R., Guglielmi, D., Vallesi, C., & Schaufeli, W. B. (2016). Individual characteristics influencing physicians’ perceptions of job demands and control: the role of affectivity, work engagement and workaholism. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health13(6), 567. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph13060567


Nuovi stili di consumo

  • Biolcati, R., Mancini, G., Andrei, F., & Trombini, E. (2021). Trait emotional intelligence and eating problems in adults: associations with alexithymia and substance use. Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology9(2).
  • Pavarin, R. M. (2021). Hedonists, libertarians or free-marketeers? The social market of cannabis in Italy. Journal of Substance Use, 1-7. doi: 10.1080/14659891.2021.2020347
  • Pavarin R (2021). Io non sono uno spacciatore: io sono un consumatore, aiuto gli amici. Una ricerca qualitativa con interviste a venditori di cannabis non professionisti. PROSPETTIVE SOCIALI E SANITARIE, 3, 42-45, ISSN: 0393-9510
  • Pavarin, R. M., Rego, X., Nostrani, E., De Caro, E., Biolcati, R., Canêdo, J., & Sanchini, S. (2020). Differences between subjects with socially integrated drug use: a study in Italy and Portugal. Journal of Substance Use25(4), 449-455. https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2020.1736660
  • Biolcati, R., & Passini, S. (2019). Development of the Substance Use Motives Measure (SUMM): A comprehensive eight-factor model for alcohol/drugs consumption. Addictive behaviors reports10, 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abrep.2019.100199
  • Pavarin R, Drapalova E, Belackova V, Calado D, Van Dongen A, Paneva I, Polidori E, Grund JP (2019). Early Identification of Locally Emerging Trends in Psychoactive Substance Use – Experience and Best Practice in Four European Localities. Substance Use & Misuse, 54, 1633-1645, doi: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1600146
  • Pavarin R, Marani S, Turino E (2019). Ketamine abusers referring to emergency departments in northern Italy: a cross- sectional study. ANNALI DELL'ISTITUTO SUPERIORE DI SANITÀ, 55, 338-344, doi: DOI: 10.4415/ANN_19_04_06
  • Biolcati, R., & Mancini, G. (2018). Club drugs and rave parties: A pilot study on synthetic drug consumption styles in a sample of young Italian ravers. The Open Public Health Journal11(1). doi: 10.2174/1874944501811010474
  • Biolcati, Roberta; Plona, Alessio, Gratta e vinci e slot machine. Uno studio esplorativo su donne e profili di consumo, Psicologia della Salute, 2017, 2, pp. 143 – 159, doi:10.3280/PDS2017-002007
  • Pavarin R (2017). Heavy episodic drinking among youngster aged 18-29. Preliminary results of a study performed in the Metropolitan Area of Bologna. Rivista Italiana di medicina dell’adolescenza, 15, 35-39, ISSN: 2035-0678
  • Pavarin R (2017). Economic Crisis, Socially Integrated Consumption and Harm Reduction: New Ideas for Prevention. Salute e Società, 2, 19-35, doi: 10.3280/SES2016-002003
  • Passini S. (2013). A binge consuming culture: The effect of consumerism on social interactions in Western societies. Culture & Psychology, 19, 369-390. doi:10.1177/1354067X13489317


Adolescenza e stili di consumo

  • Pavarin R, Domenicali M, Marani S, Caputo F, Mazzoni M (2019). Visits of adolescents for acute alcohol intoxication to emergency departments in Northern Italy: natives and non-natives. Journal o Substance Use, 25, 118-122, doi: 10.1080/14659891.2019.1664665
  • Biolcati, R., Mancini, G., & Trombini, E. (2018). Proneness to boredom and risk behaviors during adolescents’ free time. Psychological reports121(2), 303-323. https://doi.org/10.1177/0033294117724447
  • Mancini, G., Biolcati, R., Pupi, V., Andrei, F., La Grutta, S., Baido, R. L., & Trombini, E. (2018). I disturbi della nutrizione e dell’alimentazione nei maschi: una panoramica sulle ricerche nel periodo 2007-2017. Rivista di Psichiatria53(4), 177-191. doi 10.1708/2954.29694
  • Biolcati, R., Ghigi, R., Mameli, C., & Passini, S. (2017). What can I do with my body? Boys and girls facing body dissatisfaction. InternatIonal Journal of adolescence and Youth22(3), 283-295. https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2016.1167748
  • Biolcati, R., Passini, S., & Mancini, G. (2016). “I cannot stand the boredom.” Binge drinking expectancies in adolescence. Addictive Behaviors Reports3, 70-76. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abrep.2016.05.001
  • Biolcati, R., & Cani, D. (2015). Feeling alone among friends: Adolescence, social networks and loneliness. Webology, 12(2), 1-9.
  • Biolcati, R., Cani, D., & Badio, E. (2013). Adolescenti e Facebook: la gestione online della privacy. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo17(3), 449-478.