Advanced Microscopy

High resolution imaging of tissues and cells

Services Provided


This facility offers studies on cells features such as growth, morphology, motility, as well as biochemical features like cellular respiration, glycolysis, and ATP production.

Real-time monitoring of experiments can be performed using the Incucyte S3 platform, for cells, organoids and spheroids directly in culture. In addiction, Livecyte 2 platform can collect in real-time, data on proliferation, morphology, and motility of attached cells, based on quantitative phase pticography (QPI).

The IXploreSpinSR system will be available in Spring 2025. The platform integrates a ScanR automated High Content Screening acquisition and analysis platform. ScanR offers unique and highly customizable solutions for the simultaneous acquisition and analysis of images, guaranteeing very high versatility adaptable to every type of user.


Dr. Biljana Petrovic

Contact Person for IncuCyte S3 Platform

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Dr. Francesca Borsetti

Contact Person for Phasefocus Livecyte

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Dr. Maria Mazzarini

Contact Person for IXploreSpinSR System

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