Mass spectrometry

Mass Spectrometry

Development and validation of LC-HRMS methods for metabolomics, bottom-up proteomics and targeted quantification methods according to the European Medicines Agency Guidelines

Services Provided


The mass spectrometry facility has extensive experience in the development, technical and clinical validation of methods for the quantitative analysis of endogenous metabolites and molecules of pharmacological interest in different biological arrays.

The methods are developed and validated according to the international guidelines of the European Medicines Agency.

The facility provides validated methods for the quantitative analysis of different classes of molecules, including steroids on serum or salivary matrix, plasma endocannabinoids and vitamins on serum matrix.

Targeted metabolomics analysis extended to the intermediates of the main metabolic cycles (amino acids, biogenic amines, acylcarnitines, sphingolipids, glycerophospholipids, monosaccharides) is also offered.

Alongside this, methods are also developed for the structural and functional characterisation of proteins of clinical and pharmacological interest.

Specifically, the skills offered concern the development of methods for the identification of proteins in various types of complex matrices, the determination of their post-translational modifications, and in the case of enzymes, the study of their activity using UV-Vis and FLD spectrophotometric enzyme assays.

The laboratory is indeed equipped with the Seahorse instrument for measuring oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and extracellular acidification rate (ECAR) on a wide range of samples, from individual mitochondria to 2D or 3D cell cultures.


Dr. Alessandro Perrone

Contact Person for this Facility

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