Molecular and phenotypical assessments at the tissue and cellular level
The laboratory is capable of histological and/or cytological processing of normal, pathological or altered tissues from any living organism for research purposes. Basic, routine and special procedures (fixation, dehydration, embedding, sectioning followed by routine and special histo-cytochemical staining) can be carried out.
Research and quantification of protein antigens by immunohistochemical techniques on tissue/cellular substrates, both fresh and FFPE, are carried out, also with semi-automated instrumentation. Strategic projects are supported in the fields of oncology (solid and haematological tumours), acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of various sites (liver, intestine, etc.), chemo-prevention and autoimmune diseases. In addition to these services, support and advice are provided to researchers both at the design stage and during the various phases of experimental activity.
Contact person for BOND RX - Leica, Fully Automated IHC/ISH Stainer