Quality assurance

Trademark of the certifying body

Certification ISO-9001:2015

2015-2024 for “Logistic, technologic and coordinating support for the execution of activities of biomedical research applied in a shared and integrated environment between University and the Hospital IRCCS. Service activity for high-complexity analysis".

Bacterial working stocks in laboratories


The Centre holds the following authorisations:

  • Use of genetically modified microorganisms (MOGM) for gene therapy studies with containment level 2: Ministry of Health, General Directorate of Prevention, authorisation dated 8/1/07 with Plant No. BO/IC/IMP.2/06-001.
  • Use of genetically modified microorganisms (MOGM) in Animal Facility for gene therapy studies with containment level 2: Minister of Health, General Direction of Prevention, authorization dated 28/12/20 with Plant no. BO/IC/IMP.2/20-001.
  • Authorisation to use animals for scientific purposes issued by the Ministry of Health (Decree no. 124/2011-A).
  • Authorisation to breed animals for scientific purposes issued by the Municipality of Bologna (no. 91687/2015)
  • Use of laboratory premises by the Prevention and Protection Service.