GinOncoTeam _Perrone - De Iaco

Research fields

The group performs research on gynecologic cancers i.e. concerning: ovary, uterus body and cervix, vagina and vulva including all rare neoplasms affecting the genital system. Research is aimed at developing new therapeutic protocols, new technologies and surgical techniques, with emphasis on the quality of life of patients. It is a multidisciplinary group where the clinician is joined in research by UNIBO and IRCCS AOUBO. In particular, the group performs research on: the mechanism leading to tumoral chemoresistance, early diagnosis by exploiting liquid biopsy, and artificial intelligence models. 

Research project carried out at the CRBA

  • Study of carboplatin- and taxol-containing microparticles in ovarian carcinoma lines


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Anna Myriam Perrone

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Pierandrea De Iaco

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Camelia Alexandra Coada

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Stella Di Costanzo

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Stefano Friso

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Giulia Dondi

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Marco Tesei

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Eugenia De Crescenzo

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Marco Di Stanislao

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Gloria Ravegnini

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Francesca Gorini

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