IncuCyte S3 - Organoid Culture QC (Sartorius)

Organoid Module of the IncuCyte S3 Live Cell Analysis System

Module purchased in 2021.

Tests were carried out on:

- number of organoids per well;

- growth of the organoids;

- death or ageing of organoids by analysing the 'Darkness' parameter.

Organoids are primary differentiated microtissues formed by a variety of stem cells (SCs) that can be established within 3D extracellular matrices to mimic in vivo architecture and genetic diversity. As self-organising and self-renewing structures, organoids have a distinct advantage over traditional monolayer culture techniques and hold unprecedented potential for various applications.

To effectively utilise these models in basic research, disease modelling and drug screening, specific and reliable in vitro culture and analysis methods are required.

Growth, differentiation and maturation of organoids can be followed by tracking changes in organoid size (area) over time.

It is possible to optimise and characterise organoid cultures using real-time kinetic measurements by objectively defining parameters such as seeding density, passage frequency and ensuring that cultures have differentiated and show appropriate morphology, or measure proliferation to optimise growth conditions and seeding densities.

More information on IncuCyte S3.