Primary liver tumors - Diagnostic, predictive and prognostic aspects - Prof. Fabio Piscaglia


Areas of research

Prof. Piscaglia's research group combines expertise in the fields of medicine and cellular and molecular biology to study hepatocarcinoma by analyzing its mechanisms of development, response, and resistance to treatment. Research activities are set in a purely translational perspective and focused on the characterization of subgroups of patients affected by this disease, to identify biomarkers and personalize clinical management, including the choice of treatments, as much as possible. To this end, the group collaborates closely with the liver disease surgery and liver transplantation group. The main strands of research include transcriptomic and immunohistochemical characterization of HCC subgroups identified on the basis of clinical characteristics of patients; immunophenotypic and transcriptomic characterization of circulating cell populations in patients with HCC; and study of response to treatments both in patients and in hepatocarcinoma cell lines, evaluating the molecular modulation induced by the treatments themselves and validating their validity on biological material obtained from patients.

Research Projects at CRBA

  • Liquid biopsy for personalizing drug therapy of hepatocarcinoma.
  • Molecular characterization of hepatocarcinoma aimed at personalizing treatments.


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Fabio Piscaglia

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Catia Giovannini

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Laura Gramantieri

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Fabrizia Suzzi

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Annapaola Montagner

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