Group on Functional Genetics and Mitochondrial Metabolism of Solid Tumours

Research areas:  


The Functional Genetics and Mitochondrial Metabolism of Solid Tumours Group is a multidisciplinary team that combines expertise in genetics, biochemistry and cellular and molecular biology to study the role of mitochondria and their DNA in the progression of solid neoplasms, with a particular focus on ovarian cancer, in collaboration with the gynaecological cancer surgery, physical chemistry and plasma engineering groups.  

The research activities focus on the analysis of the molecular mechanisms contributing to the onset of indolent tumour phenotypes, with a non-conventional approach that stems from the Group's previous studies on the modifying role of mitochondrial mutations and the lack of Complex I in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. The results obtained led to the definition of oncogene as a gene that, when mutated, reduces tumour progression. Furthermore, these results led to the development of lines of research concerning the use of Complex I inhibitors as adjuvants in therapeutic protocols. 

Through studies on animal models and on 3D human models in bioreactors and using techniques ranging from molecular genetics to biochemistry, from cell biology to mass spectrometry, the group is focused on identifying adaptive mechanisms, both cell-autonomous and non-cell-autonomous, following treatment with conventional chemotherapeutics at various stages of tumorigenesis. In particular, hypoxia response, metabolic adaptation, tumour neo-angiogenesis and tumour-microenvironment cross-talk are the main topics of interest of the group. 

Title of research projects carried out at the CRBA 


  • Search for metabolic targets and inhibition of mitochondrial complex I for the conversion of carcinomas into benign oncocytomas 
  • Defining the potential of circulating tumour cells as diagnostic and prognostic markers in ovarian cancer patients.   
  • Screening of compounds on HIF1a stabilisation and regulation of tumourigenic potential 


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Anna Maria Porcelli

Full Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

+39 051 20 9 1282

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Giuseppe Gasparre

Full Professor

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - via Massarenti 11, Bologna

+39 051 20 9 4747

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Anna Maria Ghelli

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Belmeloro 6, Bologna

+39 051 20 9 4038

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Luisa Iommarini

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Belmeloro 6, Bologna

+39 051 20 9 4045

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Ivana Kurelac

Fixed-term Researcher b) (senior)

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - via Massarenti 9, Bologna

+39 051 2088420

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Monica De Luise

Fixed-term researcher a) (junior)

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - via Massarenti 9, Bologna

+39 051 2088418

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Manuela Sollazzo

Research fellow

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Selmi 3, Bologna

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Camelia Coada

Research fellow

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - via Massarenti 9, Bologna

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Stefano Miglietta

Research fellow

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Selmi 3, Bologna

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Gaia Tioli

Research fellow

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Selmi 3, Bologna

+39 051 20 9 4038

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Ottavia Tartagni

Fellow researcher

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Selmi 3, Bologna

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Luigi D'Angelo

PhD Student

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, via Belmeloro 6, Bologna

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Sara Milioni

PhD student

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - via Massarenti 9, Bologna

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Beatrice Cavina

PhD Student

Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences - via Massarenti 9, Bologna

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Iacopo Gherardi

PhD Student

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, via Zamboni 33, Bologna

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Laura Lanteri

PhD Student

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Via Zamboni 33, Bologna

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Francesca Nanetti

PhD Student

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Via Zamboni 33, Bologna


+39 051 2088416

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