CRBA renews its look

Our new website is now online: smoother navigation, more content, 100% responsive

We felt the need to renew ourselves to best represent, in all its complexity, the evolution of the CRBA in these 20 years of activity. 

To achieve this, we have maintained continuity between the original version and the updated one, with a restyling that makes the site more attractive and, above all, more usable, eliminating the signs of the times, without, however, renouncing to best represent our Centre: 

  • designed and built to be 'responsive', the display is optimal regardless of the platforms on which it is viewed (PC, tablet, smartphone, etc.), conquering the title of user-friendly; 
  • revised and enriched in terms of content, the site is also designed to provide users with all the information they need on CRBA's services and potential, as well as to speed up the procedures for presenting projects, which can be submitted directly in the HOW TO section.


In other words, over the past few months, we at CRBA have been working on a website that would best express our professionalism and the Centre's great potential, that would represent us in a more complete and comprehensive manner, and that would best convey our way of doing research: with passion, dedication, and results orientation. 

The only thing left to do at this point is to await your feedback. 

Have a good browsing!