Europe in the Face of the Digital Challenge
Pubblicato il 08 febbraio 2022
Call for Abstracts/Draft articles
The Call on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the Digital Revolution and European Democracy is inviting the submission of abstracts/draft articles in two main themes that broadly concern:
N.B.: The two themes above indicate thematic areas and should not impede the submission of draft articles and abstracts that are in line with the Background and Rationale and with the Call for Articles indicated above.
Selected papers will be presented during the International Conference (October 2022); papers have to be sent for double peer-review a month after the Conference (November 2022) and they will be collected and published as above mentioned.
N.B. : Please remember that papers have to be sent in English or Italian; abstracts have to be sent in English and in the paper language.
Abstract Length, specs and deadlines
The participation to the Conference is free of charge