sustainabiLIty of tourism By Enhancing Cooperation and dIgital transfOrmation
to cultural districts for the tourist enhancement of the cross-border area
Promozione di musei rurali e siti archeologici nelle vicinanze dei percorsi di pellegrinaggio europei
Downscaling climate impacts and decarbonisation pathways in EU islands, and enhancing socioeco-nomic and non-market evaluation of Climate Change for Europe
Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks and Landscapes Of the adRiatic
Experience, Discover & Valorise Hidden Treasure Towns and Sites of the Adriatic Area
Smart strategies for sustainable tourism in Lively cultural DEStinations
– Competenze digitali per promuovere gli itinerari culturali dell’Unione Europea
Mediterranean Innovation STRAtegy for transnational activity of clusters and networks of the bLue growth.
Innovation in Tourism in the Adriatic Ionian Region
Network for Postgraduate Masters in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Management in the Balkan Countries