RESEARCH DIRECTION: Prof. Daniela Giannetti, Prof. Andrea Pedrazzani, Prof. Luca Pinto (coordinator)

In February 2013, just before the Italian general elections, we conducted an expert survey to estimate the political positions of Italian parties.

The questionnaire followed the well-established format developed by Michael Laver and Kenneth Benoit (see Benoit, K. and Laver, M. 2006, Party Policy in Modern Democracies, Abingdon, Routledge). A total of 379 experts on Italian politics were contacted, and 95 completed the questionnaire (a response rate of about 25%).

The survey covered the following parties: Centro Democratico, Fare per Fermare il Declino, Fratelli d’Italia, Futuro e Libertà per l’Italia, La Destra, Lega Nord, Movimento 5 Stelle, Partito Democratico, Popolo della Libertà, Rivoluzione Civile, Scelta Civica, Sinistra Ecologia Libertà, and Unione di Centro.

Experts positioned these parties on ten scales: left-right, economic policy, civil rights, deregulation, environment, decentralization, immigration, EU authority, EU responsibility, and EU neutrality.

The 2013 questionnaire and dataset are available for download upon request.