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09 DECEMBER 2020


Designing for data–driven experiences and research

Remote: co-located with the DHDK course "Electronic Publishing and Digital Storytelling" (

Giorgio and Matteo (, will present their experience as designers who work at the intersection between design, data visualization and DH. They will introduce different case studies and engage with students by using RAWGraphs (

28 OCTOBER 2020


Scholarly Digital Edition - Seminars Cycle by Desmond Schmidt


The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theory of digital scholarly editions and how to make them. The seminars is held by Desmond Schmidt, visiting professor at FICLIT.

12 JUNE 2020


/DH.arc Webinar

YouTube Live

Learn more about projects realized by now graduated DHDK students, completed through the DHDK grants for research activities.

18 MAY
08 JUNE 2020


Digital WHOmanities: chi sono e cosa fanno gli umanisti digitali

YouTube streaming e piattaforma Microsoft Teams

Ciclo di conferenze e workshop sul presente e sul futuro delle DH

04 JUNE 2020


Laboratory at DHDK

TEAMS - free for Unibo account

A cycle of practical activities related to the DH domain: 3D modeling (12h); Digital History (8h); XML technologies (12h); Digital scholarly editing (9h).

20 FEBRUARY 2020


Teresa Numerico, L'eredità di Alan Turing: tra memoria e intelligenza delle macchine

Aula Forti, via Zamboni 32, I piano

Lezione dedicata ai Dottorandi del corso di Culture letterarie e filologiche, all'interno del ciclo "I Maestri"

20 JANUARY 2020


Guy Marechal, On contextual modelling of documentary heritage assets and a concrete example of application

Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34

Guy Marechal, TITAN & Unesco "Memory of the World" Program will present "AXIS-CSRM, Autonomous eXchange packages for Interoperable Systems - Conceptual Semantic Reference Model".

20 JANUARY 2020


Internal DH.ARC seminar

via Zamboni 34

Presentation of activities managed by DH.ARC staff and collaborators for preparing the afternoon discussion with Guy Marechal

12 DECEMBER 2019


Dirk Van Hulle (Christ College, Oxford) on Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project -

AULA AFFRESCHI, via Zamboni, 34

Dirk Van Hulle (Christ College, Oxford) introduces his Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project, whose purpose is to reunite the manuscripts of Samuel Beckett's works in a digital way and to facilitate genetic research through DH.

11 DECEMBER 2019


Francesca Serra, Valeria Cavalloro and Virginia Giustetto (University of Geneve) on Calvino’s Digital Project -

AULA AFFRESCHI, via Zamboni, 34

Francesca Serra, Valeria Cavalloro and Virginia Giustetto (University of Geneve) introduce Atlante Calvino: a series of in-depth researches on Italo Calvino's work in the context of the Digital Humanities: in particular through the tools for exploring and visualising data (Data Visualisation).

05 DECEMBER 2019


Roberto Leporatti (University of Geneve) on "The scattered poems of Francesco Petrarca: The other side of Canzoniere"

AULA AFFRESCHI, via Zamboni, 34

Roberto Leporatti (University of Geneve) and his research team introduces RdP Project (funded by the FNSRS): The scattered poems of Petrarca. The other side of Canzoniere.

19 NOVEMBER 2019


Michelangelo Zaccarello, The other side(s) of digital textuality

Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34

L'avvento del mezzo digitale ha profondamente trasformato tanto le dinamiche di produzione e diffusione del testo letterario, quanto la relativa prassi editoriale. Nonostante ciò, le questioni di fondo che pone la filologia conservano tutta la loro importanza.