
The portfolio includes all the works that are somehow related to the /DH.arc centre, including projects born and maintained at the /DH.arc centre, projects inherited from prior centres (e.g. Multimedia Centre CRR-MM), or projects born in a different context that are lead by /DH.arc members.

Projects at /DH.arc

ArCo - The Italian Cultural Heritage Knowledge Graph

Keywords: Arts, Creative Industries, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, Linked Open Data

Description: ArCo is a joint project by the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage's (MiBAC) agency ICCD (Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione), and the Semantic Technology Lab (STLab) of ISTC-CNR, a partner of DHARC (some STLab researchers are hosted by the FICLIT Department). ArCo, based on ICCD norms for the description of cultural heritage, has designed an ontology network, and a knowledge graph of 800,000 Italian cultural entities, with relations to artists, places, institutions, techniques, etc.

ResearchersValentina Presutti (CNR project coordinator). Valentina CarrieroAndrea Nuzzolese (STLab), Aldo Gangemi, open to DHDK students for internships

Funded byICCD

Release: 2018 (alpha); 2019 (official)

Status: Ongoing, first stable release available

ARTchives - The Inventory of Art Historians’ Archives

 Keywords: Arts, Creative industries,  Knowledge organization, Data collection, Knowledge Discovery

Description: The inventory of Art Historians’ Archives aims at gathering, describing and consuming information on archives produced by notable art historians spread around the world. The objective is to provide a flexible service for collecting data on art history related topics and serve accurate Linked Open Data. A web application leveraging so created data will provide scholars with new expressive means for discovering data.

Researchers: Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi, Francesca Mambelli

Funded by: Federico Zeri Foundation

Release: 2019 (Beta version)

Status: Ongoing


Keywords: automatic analysis of scholarly documents, web-based interfaces, workflow definition and execution

Description: the project aims at analysing existing tools for automatic text analysis, so as to develop a prototypical Web-based application for mashing up these tools to create execution workflows by means of an intuitive Web interface.

Researchers: Ivan Heibi, Silvio Peroni

External collaborators: Paolo Ferri (University of Bologna, Italy), Luca Pareschi (University of Bologna, Italy)

Funded by: University of Bologna

Status: Ongoing

CLEF. Crowdsourcing Linked Open Entities via web Forms

Keywords: Linked Open Data, Crowdsourcing, 

Description:  CLEF is a LOD-native cataloguing system developed to facilitate data collection and interlinking with external datasets (e.g. Wikidata). Like a few well-known open source software solutions for online cataloguing (e.g. Omeka, ResearchSpace, Semantic Wikibase) CLEF allows users to create and manage online catalogues of cultural heritage resources and to serve data as Linked Open Data.The idea is to have a lightweight software, easy to install and customise. CLEF is  based on a python framework (webpy) and comes with an instance of Blazegraph triplestore.

Researchers: Marilena Daquino, Sebastiano Giacomini

Funded by: Polifonia H2020

Release: April 2022

Status: Ongoing


Keywords: projects, dataset, DHDK classes

Description: DHDKey! (Digital Humanitites and Digital Knowledge Educational Yearbook) is an online database devoted to the collection and publication of metadata of all projects developed by students of the master course of Digital Humanitites and Digital Knowledge at the University of Bologna. DHDKey! is a platform developed and managed by students for students. The idea behind DHDKey! is not only to organize all the projects carried out during the course in a historical collection, but also to provide all students of the course with their own academic portfolio. All students of the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge course can upload their project data through the appropriate form provided by the website.

Researchers: Fabio Mariani (DHDK graduated student)

Collaborators: Silvio Peroni, Francesca Tomasi

Funded by: DH.ARC, University of Bologna

Release: 2020

Status: Ongoing

Digital Library (FICLIT)

Keywords: Omeka, IIIF, Mirador, Cultural Heritage ontologies, Metadata, Archival founds and collections

Description: The digital version (data and metadata) of cultural archives and collection held and maintained by the Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies.

Researchers: DH.ARC members

Collaborator: Francesca Giovannetti (DH PhD)

Funded by: FICLIT Dipartimento di Eccellenza (2018-2022), University of Bologna

Release: 2019 (first draft); 2022 (second release)

Status: Ongoing


Keywords:  Document visualization, information interfaces and presentation, reading patterns

Description: DocuDipity is an interactive Web-based tool to support the exploration and analysis of heterogeneous document collections. It supports scholars by combining a sequential reading interface with alternative visualizations such as SunBurst and tree-based views. 

Researchers: Francesco Poggi, Angelo Di Iorio, Silvio Peroni, Fabio Vitali, Paolo Ciancarini

Funded by: University of Bologna

Status: Ongoing

Edizione nazionale delle opere di Aldo Moro

KeywordsKnowledge organization, Text encoding, Critical digital edition

Description: the project of the digital edition of the National Edition of Aldo Moro’s Works intends to implement a new model workflow for national editions according to the best practices and international standards for critical digital editions. The annotations encoded in RDF/A focus on inter and intra-textual aspects such as people, organizations and places and aim at providing a new insight of the great Italian statistician. Showcase website.

ResearchersSebastian Barzaghi, Francesco Paolucci, Francesca Tomasi, Fabio Vitali, Aldo Gangemi

CollaboratorsGiulia Massimino, Ariele Santelli (DHDK graduated students)

Funded by: Edizione nazionale delle opere di Aldo Moro (MIBAC)

Framester: a large-scale factual-linguistic knowledge graph based on frame semantics

Keywords: Semantic Interoperability, Lexicons, Frame Semantics, Knowledge Graphs, Semantic Web, Linked Open Data

DescriptionFramester is large factual-linguistic knowledge graph, based on a formalisation of Fillmore's frame semantics, and hosted on GitHub. It offers accurate alignments and formal representation for lexical resources such as FrameNet, WordNet, VerbNet, BabelNet, etc., as well as alignments to factual graphs such as DBpedia and YAGO, and foundational ontologies such as DOLCE. Framester creates a highly connected knowledge graph, enabling full-fledged OWL querying and reasoning, and fostering large-scale semantic interoperability. It has a dedicated SPARQL Endpoint, including a RESTful API. Originally designed by the RCLN group at LIPN, Paris Nord University, it is currently maintained jointly by CNR's STLab and DHARC.

ResearchersAldo Gangemi (coordinator), Mehwish AlamLuigi AsprinoValentina Presutti (CNR), open to DHDK students for internships.

Funded by: MARIO Project (EU H2020 programme), EFL LabEx (French Ministry of Research)

Release: 2016

Status: Ongoing, stable release available

FRED: state-of-the-art knowledge graph extraction from text

Keywords: Knowledge Extraction, Natural Language Processing, Frame Semantics, Knowledge Graphs, Linked Open Data

DescriptionFRED is a state-of-the-art tool for automatically extracting knowledge graphs from English (other languages via automated translation) text, and link them to existing knowledge. It can be considered a machine reader for the Semantic Web: it is able to parse natural language text, and transform it to linked data. It is implemented in Python, and available as REST service as well as a Python library suite [fredlib]. FRED background theories include: Combinatory Categorial Grammar, Discourse Representation Theory, Frame Semantics, and Ontology Design Patterns. FRED leverages Natural Language Processing components for performing Named Entity Resolution (using Stanbol and TagMe), Coreference Resolution (using CoreNLP), and Word Sense Disambiguation to DBpedia,, WordNet, VerbNet, and FrameNet. All FRED graphs include textual annotations and represent textual segmentation, expressed by means of EARMARK and NIF. Originally developed in the EU FP7 IKS project by CNR's STLab, it has been later improved also in the RCLN group at LIPN, Paris Nord University, and is currently maintained jointly by STLab and DHARC. FRED has been extended for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (Sentilo), type induction (Tìpalo), knowledge reconciliation (Mergilo), and synthetic relation extraction (Legalo).

ResearchersAldo Gangemi (coordinator), Mehwish AlamLuigi AsprinoAndrea NuzzoleseValentina Presutti (CNR), and Diego Reforgiato Recupero (University of Cagliari). Open to DHDK students for internships.

Funded by: FP7 IKS Project

Release: 2012; 2015; 2017

Status: Ongoing, stable release available as a web service

Data model

KNOT. Patrimoni culturali digitali degli Atenei

Keywords: Scholarly Projects, Digital Cultural Heritage, Italian universities 

Description:  KNOT is a three-year pilot (2023-2025) tasked with investigating ways to integrate the digital cultural heritage of Italian universities into the national infrastructure being built by the Central Institute for the Digitization of Cultural Heritage (ICDP) - Digital Library. The first output of the project is a CATALOGUE based on Clef.

Researchers: Laurent Fintoni, Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi

Funded by: Ministry of Culture

Release: 2023

Status: Ongoing

Leggo Manzoni 

Keywords: Digital Philology, Italian Literature, Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi

DescriptionLeggo Manzoni is a platform that makes it possible to read, in parallel with the text, in complete or partial form, forty commentaries on The Betrothed, comparing them with the text of the novel or with each other. Also available on the portal is the digital version of the 1840 illustrated edition: VEDO MANZONI, which can be queried using search keys: Chapter, Author, Theme, Character, Place, Function, Subject.

Researchers: Paola Italia, Francesca Tomasi, Maria Levchenko, Giulia Menna, Matilde Passafaro, Beatrice Nava, Sara Obbiso, Ersilia Russo 

Collaborators: Martina Dello Buono (PhD)

Funded by: DH.ARC, University of Bologna; PRIN Manzoni 2017

Current release: 2024


LIFT - Linked data from TEI

Keywords: Digital edition, Knowledge graph, Linked Open Data, TEI, Transformation

DescriptionLIFT is a Python-based tool for transforming your TEI XML edition into a knowledge graph, ready for publication as linked open data on the web. LIFT comes with a thorough documentation, designed to help you understand and reuse the methodology and technology behind the tool.

Researchers: Francesca Giovannetti, Francesca Tomasi

Funded by: GARR

Release: 2020

Status: Ongoing. First stable release available

mAuth - mining Authoritativeness in Art History

Keywords: Arts and Photography, Authoritativeness, Information Retrieval

Description: mAuth is a tool for art historians, data collection managers, and curious, who want to collect information - historians' opinions, motivations, bibliographic references, and images - about the history of authorship attributions related to artworks of the Modern Art (15-16th centuries). It is based on a semantic crawler that harvests authorship attributions in the Web of Data and returns the list of contradictory statements sorted by their authoritativeness.

Researchers: Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi

Release: 2018

Status: Closed

MELODY. Make mE a Linked Open Data storY

Keywords: Data visualization, Linked Open Data

Description: MELODY is an online platform for creating web-ready data stories (i.e. web articles including curated text content and charts) basedon Linked Open Data. The platform offers a user-friendly interface to query online data sources, and populate a canvas with text, counters, charts, interactive text searches, maps and more.

Researchers: Giulia Renda, Marilena Daquino

Funded by: Polifonia H2020 


Status: Ongoing


Keywords: Semantic Collection, Linked Open Data, Mythologiae, Canonical Citations, Digital Hermeneutics

Description:  The project presents Mythologiae digital collection revalorisation into Linked Open Data format, fostering Semantic Web technologies. It focuses over the formal representation of experts’ analysis when associating artworks (and their interpretation) to literary sources. Additionally, the layered approach to knowledge organisation allows to represent artworks descriptive metadata along with interpretations contextual information. 

Researchers: Valentina Pasqual, Francesca Tomasi

Funded by: IDEHA - Innovazioni per l'elaborazione dei dati nel settore del patrimonio culturale 

Release: 2021

Status: Ongoing

musoW 2.0: the online catalogue of Music Heritage on the web

Keywords: Linked Open Data, Music Heritage, Crowdsourcing

Description: musoW 2.0 is the online registry of music resources on the web. It is a crowdsourced, manually curated, Linked Open Dataset including more than 500 digital collections relevant to musicologists, music historians, journalists and librarians. musoW is published using CLEF, a LOD-native cataloguing system developed by /DH.arc to facilitate data collection and interlinking with external datasets (e.g. Wikidata).

Researcher: Marilena Daquino

Funded by: Polifonia H2020

Release: December 2021

Status: Ongoing


ODI web-app homepage

ODI: uno studio su Il Castello dei Destini incrociati di Italo Calvino

Keywords: Ontology, Italo Calvino, Combinatory Literarure, Semantic Web, Knowledge Base, Web-app

Description: ODI investigates the “macchina narrativa combinatoria” of Il Castello dei Destini incrociati by Italo Calvino using Semantic Web technologies to formalize and analyze textual and iconographical aspects that concern narrative and compositional structures, plot concepts and character roles in all the stories. Data has been analyzed in the light of three main aspects: the semantics conveyed by the tarot cards, the text structure and the relations between cards. ODI (Ontologia dei Destini incrociati di Italo Calvino) and its corresponding Knowledge Base (BACODI, Base di Conoscenza dell’Ontologia dei Destini incrociati di Italo Calvino) can be accessed through a web interface with the goal of surpassing the traditional presentation of digital editions.

Researcher: Enrica Bruno, Valentina Pasqual, Francesca Tomasi

Release: 2023

Status: Ongoing

OpenCitations Enhancement Project

Keywords: infrastructure, open citation data, interfaces for citation data

Description: The project aimed at making the datasets made available by OpenCitations more useful to the academic community both by significantly expanding the volume of citation data held within them, and by developing novel data visualizations and query services over the stored data.

Researchers: Marilena Daquino, Ivan Heibi, Silvio Peroni

External collaborators:David Shotton (University of Oxford, UK)

Funded by: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Status: Finished

Open Biomedical Citations in Context Corpus

Keywords: in-text reference pointers, open citation data, citation contexts

Description: The project aims at making the OpenCitations Corpus (OCC) more useful to the academic community by significantly expanding the kinds of citation data held within the Corpus, so as to provide data for each individual in-text reference and its semantic context, making it possible to distinguish references that are cited only once from those that are cited multiple times, to see which references are cited together (e.g. in the same sentence), to determine in which section of the article references are cited (e.g. Introduction, Methods), and, potentially, to retrieve the function of the citation.

Researchers: Ivan Heibi, Silvio Peroni

External collaborators: Vincent Larivière (Université de Montréal, Canada), David Shotton (University of Oxford, UK), Ludo Waltman (Leiden University, The Netherlands)

Funded by: Wellcome Trust

Status: About to start


Keywords: Digital Philology, Italian Literature, Authorial Philology, Alessandro Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi, Collodi, Le avventure di Pinocchio

Description: PHILOEDITOR is a digital platform which allows to read texts that present multiple authorial drafts, representing the different versions and categories of variants marked by the editor. Texts currently available: I Promessi Sposi by Alessandro Manzoni (1827/1840) and Le avventure di Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi (1883/1890).

Researchers: Paola Italia, Francesca Tomasi, Fabio Vitali, Claudia Bonsi, Angelo Di Iorio, Teresa Gargano, Ersilia Russo

Collaborators: Martina Dello Buono (DHDK graduated student), Guglielmo Gualerzi (DISI student)

Funded by: DH.ARC, University of Bologna

Current release: 2020 

Status: Ongoing

Ragu - Reti e Archivi del Gusto

Keywords:  digital collection, cookbooks, data visualization

Description: Ragu is a project devoted to collect, digitise and make available online images and data about Italian family cookbooks written from the IIWW. /DH.arc helped scholars of the project to collect, clean, manage, and serve data in a semi-automated way, so as to populate and keep up to date the website dedicated to the data exploration.

Researchers: Mila Fumini, Giulia Manganelli, Giulia Renda, Marilena Daquino

Funded by: DH.arc, University of Bologna

Release: 2022 (pilot)

Status: Closed

Semantic Digital Edition of Paolo Bufalini’s notebook

Keywords: Contemporary literature, Knowledge organization, Intertextuality, Intratextuality, Text encoding, Semantic Digital Edition

Description: The Semantic Digital Edition of Paolo Bufalini’s notebook aims at creating a scholarly edition enhanced by Semantic Web technologies. The digital edition, initially encoded in TEI/XML, focuses on inter and intra-textuality aspects. The RDF version of the edition aims at reconstruct the broad library owned by the scholar and enrich available information with data extracted from external sources. Current github repository.

Researchers: Francesca Giovannetti, Marilena Daquino, Francesca Tomasi

Collaborator: Martina Dello Buono (DHDK graduated student)

Release: 2018 (next release 2020)

Status: Ongoing 

Semantic Digital Edition of Vespasiano da Bisticci’s Letters

Keywords: Renaissance, Creative industries, Semantic Digital Edition

Description: The Semantic Digital Edition of Vespasiano da Bisticci’s letters aims at highlighting the network of relations between intellectuals, copists, and customers that lead to the creation of a number of manuscripts during the Renaissance period. The edition focuses on such aspects and the semantic version of the edition aims at highlighting aspects related to the evolution of creative industries over time. It's possibile to browse two different version:  Semantic Digital Edition (version 2.0); Knowledge Site (version 3.0); and have access to Documentation and Visualization (version 3.0 reproducibility).

Researchers: Francesca Tomasi, Marilena Daquino

Collaborator: Sebastian Barzaghi (DHDK graduated student)

Release: version 2.0, 2013; version 3.0, 2020

Status: Ongoing

Shivadharma database

Śivadharma database

Keywords: Digital Edition, Sanskrit sources, Linked Open Data, Semantic web, Data visualization

Description: Śivadharma database project aims at developing a web application based on Semantic web and LOD technologies to catalogue, browse and preserve the Sanskrit textual sources of Śivadharma corpus, specifically their metadata, transcriptions and translations in English, Scholarly Digital Editions, and related multimedia materials, as the manuscript witnesses facsimiles. In addition, data visualization tools will be implied to enhance the user experience handling with LOD data. Current github repository.

Researchers: Martina Dello Buono, Francesca Tomasi

Funded by: Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna, Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale

Release: 2024

Status: Ongoing


Keywords: Social cohesion, Participation, and Inclusion through Cultural Engagement

Description: "The overall aim of the project is to foster diverse participation in the heritage domain through a process of ""citizen curation"". Citizens will be supported to: develop their own personal interpretations of cultural objects; work together to present their collective view of life through culture and heritage; and gain an appreciation of alternative cultural viewpoints.

Researchers (PI): Aldo Gangemi, Silvio Peroni 

Unibo Collaborators: Stefano De Giorgis, Marilena Daquino, Delfina Sol Martinez Pandiani, Sofia Pescarin, Bruno Sartini, Francesca Tomasi

Team: The project brings together 13 partners from 7 countries. The consortium comprises: three SMEs from the visitor guide (GVAM), mobile game (PadaOne) and data mining (CELI) sectors; four heritage institutions (Design Museum Helsinki, Irish Museum of Modern Art, Gallery of Modern Art Turin, Hecht Museum); and seven research centres (Bologna, Aalto, Aalborg, OU, UCM, Turin, Haifa) with expertise in codesign, museology, HCI, Linked Data, narratology, ontologies, visualisation and user modelling

Funded by: H2020

Dates: 2020-2023

Status: Closed

SSE - Smart Structured Editor

Keywords: Templates, Authoring, Collaborative Editing, Technical documentation, Versioning

Description: SSE is a Web platform that allows users users to easily (i) produce structured content enriched with some metadata to easy the document tracking and exploration and (ii) share content fragments via templating. Originally developed for writing technical documentation, the system is flexible and extensible to other domains and content types.

Researchers: Fabio Vitali, Angelo Di Iorio, Alessandro Caponi

Funded by: Alstom s.p.a., Regione Emilia Romagna, University of Bologna

Status: Ongoing.


Keywords: Digital edition, Varchi, Storia fiorentina, EVT2, XML/TEI

Description: The digital edition of Benedetto Varchi, Storia fiorentina. An XML/TEI (diplomatic and critical) edition, with EVT2 visualization features. Proemio del Primo Libro (versione Pilot)

Researchers: Dario Brancato, Paola Italia, Francesca Tomasi

Collaborators: Milena Corbellini (DHDK graduated student), Valentina Pasqual (DHDK graduated student), Roberta Priore (PhD)

Funded by: DH.arc, University of Bologna

Release: 2020 (pilot version)

Status: Ongoing


Keywords: Arts and Photography, Ontology Development, Linked Open Data

Description: Zeri & LODE is a project to present cataloguing data belonging to art historical photo archives by using Semantic Web technologies. It produced a number of ontologies for representing the Arts and Photography domain (OAEntry Ontology, FEntry Ontology and HiCO Ontology) and produced Linked Open Data according to the developed models.

Researchers: Marilena Daquino, Francesca Mambelli, Francesca Tomasi, Silvio Peroni, Fabio Vitali

Release: 2014

Status: Closed

Hosted Projects


Keywords: Diary, War, WWI, Europeana, Digital Edition EVT, TEI XML, StoryMap

Description: The project aims to reactivate and renew old personal stories of ordinary people involved in the WWI. The Europeana Collection 1914-1918 preserves a great number of diaries from the trenches: this material represents the research core. Eight diaries in French and Italian and the letters written by Isaac Rosenberg to Laurence Binyon will be processed. They are available in two versions: StoryMaps and EVT digital edition.

Researcher: Saverio Vita

Funded by: Europeana Foundation, Research Grant 2018

Release: 2018

Status: Ongoing