Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, via Zamboni 33/35, 40126 Bologna - In presence and online event
Giornata di studio organizzata dal Dipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica dell'Università di Bologna (LM DHDK, PhD CHeDE, Laboratorio ADLab, Centro DH.arc), in collaborazione con la Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna e l'Associazione per l'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale.
The room will be defined for each lecture - In presence and online event
Series of 19 lectures, 3 hours each and in italian, for PhD students in DH. Lectures introduce the concept of cultural heritage from the different points of view of those who deal with this subject.
Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34
Full day Workshop on Edition Visualization Techology (EVT)
Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34
The seminar aims to present, with a document-centred approach, the study of ancient and modern manuscripts through new technologies and DH. The seminar consists of 12 meetings of 3 hours each. The maximum number of students is 30.
Sala Affreschi, via Zamboni 34, 40146 Bologna, Italia
Prof. Luc Steels, one of the pioneers of AI, presents his recent work on AI-driven semiotics of art.
Aula Affreschi, Via Zamboni 32, University of Bologna - In presence and online event
Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34 - In presence and online event
This seminar is held within the "Open Science" course by Silvio Peroni, Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge (DHDK)
Aula Affreschi, via Zamboni 34 - In presence and online event
Seminar for PhD students in DH held by our visiting fellow Giovanni Colavizza
TEAMS meeting
Fabio Cusimano, responsabile del Digital Asset Management (D.A.M.) alla Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana di Milano e visiting presso il centro DH.ARC, terrà una lezione per il Dottorato in Culture Letterarie e Filologiche, dedicata in particolare ai Dottorandi di Digital Humanities.
YouTube streaming e piattaforma Microsoft Teams
Ciclo di conferenze e workshop sul creare, conservare, interpretare e visualizzare dati in ambito umanistico
TEAMS + Aula Affreschi
Here we collect topics related to the next seminars for PhD students in DH.
TEAMS meeting
This seminar is held within the Laboratory activity for DHDK. It will explore the potential of digital technology, in particular close-range 3D scanning.