
Here you can find a collection of relevant events organized by the DCC-CR and our partners

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08 NOVEMBER 2023

In Italian

Resilient Cultural Heritage: proteggere il patrimonio culturale dall'innalzamento del mare

Fondazione Cini - Isola di S. Giorgio, Venice

L'evento di propone di valutare i progressi e gli effetti delle strategie attuate per la protezione del patrimonio culturale, concentrandosi sui risultati ottenuti nel territorio veneziano.

08 NOVEMBER 2023


2nd International MegaDelta Meeting

Shanghai, China

The theme of this meeting is “Mega deltas - seeking solutions to the problem of sustainability”, during which, we will discuss about protection and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity; community resilience to ocean hazards; and skills, knowledge and technology for all.

02 NOVEMBER 2023


Ocean Decade - Vision 2030 process

Online event

This webinar will showcase initial outputs of the ten White Papers, providing insights of the roadmap and framework of the Vision 2030.

27 OCTOBER 2023


WCRP Open Science Conference

Kigali, Rwanda

Meeting in the heart of the African continent will promote strong engagement with research communities, stakeholders and practitioners from Rwanda and the broader African region.

19 OCTOBER 2023


Webinar "Riding the Waves of Resilience: Empowering Coastal Communities"

Online event

The second webinar of the Coastal Resilience webinar series will discuss community engagement and citizen science initiatives in two Ocean Decade Actions.

19 OCTOBER 2023


Online launch 'Building Coastal Resilience in Europe'

Online - Online event

For the online lauch of EMB's Position Paper No. 27 on coastal resilience in Europe, the webinar will feature Dr. Sebastian Villasante who will present key messages from the Position Paper, followed by a panel discussion with Ivan Conesa Alcolea (DG RTD) and Q&A with members of the working group.

13 OCTOBER 2023


Ocean Practices: OBPS Workshop VII, Oct 2023

Online event

The 2023 workshop will explore the Ocean Best Practices aimed at providing some “common” solutions to the 10 selected challenges set by the UN Ocean Decade for collective impact.

11 OCTOBER 2023


EurOCEAN Conference 2023

Vigo, Galicia, Spain - In presence and online event

EurOCEAN conferences are major European marine science-policy conferences organized every 4-5 years. They provide a forum for the marine and maritime research community and wider stakeholders to interface with European and Member State policymakers and strategic planners.

05 OCTOBER 2023

Latin America and Caribbean Ministerial Summit on Environmental Sustainability

San Josè, Costa Rica

The First Ministerial on Environmental Sustainability will gather government officials from OECD and LAC countries, the EU and International and Regional Organisations to discuss interactions between environmental sustainability objectives with the productivity, social inclusion, governance agendas.

05 OCTOBER 2023


EuroGOOS International Conference

Galway, Ireland

The EuroGOOS conference offers an opportunity to discuss how well our ocean monitoring and forecasting are supporting societal and policy needs. The event facilitates dialogue among a broad range of ocean observing and forecasting stakeholders, towards a fit-for-purpose ocean information delivery.



Webinar "Coastal Resilience – projects and actions within the UN Ocean Decade"

Online - Online event

The first webinar organized by the Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience will dive in the mission of the DCC, the goals of the Ocean Decade regarding coastal ecosystems and the presentations of projects working on coastal areas.



MSPglobal 2.0 Kick-off Conference

Online event

The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO) and DG MARE are inviting interested parties to the Online Kick-off Conference of the new phase of the MSPglobal Initiative on Wednesday 6 September 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00 (Paris time).