Improve science information for all (SI)

Enhancing ocean coastal monitoring, promoting open access to data, and fostering collaboration to bridge knowledge gaps and support evidence-based decision-making.

Ocean coasts are highly vulnerable areas of the planet where the population concentrates and human impacts on marine ecosystems may become increasingly adverse.

The UN Ocean Decade is expected to transform our understanding of ocean coastal areas, as well as improve their monitoring and prediction. Coordination and synthesis of these efforts are therefore necessary, along with the promotion of new actions to fill gaps. Ensuring open access and data-sharing is fundamental to enhance the scientific value of outputs, to foster collaboration, and to enable evidence-based decision-making for coastal resilience. For this strategic objective, the DCC-CR will document scientific case studies from Decade Actions trying to resolve gaps in a timely manner, recommend potential new science and technology actions, in particular support new community science for coastal resilience and advise the DCU on the advancements in several sectors of coastal science and engineering.

The inclusion of CMCC and Deltares as strategic partners significantly expands the scope and effectiveness of SI. The contributions of CMCC and Deltares include facilitating access to Digital Twins, Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems, climate downscaling methodologies and open-source platforms for coastal management. Both Partners will foster the integration of AI-enhanced data analysis, visualization and decision-making processes, providing actionable insights for stakeholders.