Protezione internazionale

  • 2024/2023

Dallara C.; Lacchei A., Countries you go, asylum adjudication you find”. Asylum appeals implementation arrangements, actors’ discretion and organizational practices., «REVIEW OF POLICY RESEARCH», 2024, first online, pp. 1 - 24 [articolo]

Lacchei A., Dallara C., Mantovani D., The Role of Local Socio-Economic Integration in Italian Asylum Adjudications, in: Fauri F., Mantovani D. (eds), Past and Present Migration Challenges: What European and American History Can Teach Us, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, pp. 299 - 348 [capitolo di libro]

  • 2022/2021

Dallara C.; Lacchei A.; Verzelloni L., Up-scaling social innovation in asylum adjudication: the case of the Migrantes project in Sicily, «INNOVATION», 2022, Online, pp. 1 - 27 [articolo] Open Access

Cristina Dallara; Alice Lacchei, Street-level bureaucrats and coping mechanisms. The unexpected role of Italian judges in Asylum policy implementation, «SOUTH EUROPEAN SOCIETY & POLITICS», 2021, 26, pp. 83 - 108 [articolo] Open Access

Madalina Moraru, EU Return Directive: a cause for shame or an unexpectedly protective framework?, in: Research Handbook on EU Migration and Asylum Law, London, Edward Elgar, 2022, pp. 435 - 454 (Research Handbooks in European Law series) [capitolo di libro] Open Access

Madalina Moraru, Generalised push-back practices in Europe. The right to seek asylum is a fundamental right, «QUADERNS IEE», 2022, 1, pp. 154 - 164 [articolo] Open Access

Cornelisse G.; Moraru M., Judicial Interactions on the European Return Directive: Shifting Borders and the Constitutionalisation of Irregular Migration Governance, «EUROPEAN PAPERS», 2022, 7, pp. 127 - 149 [articolo]Open Access

Madalina Moraru, Judicial interactions upholding the right to be heard of asylum seekers, returnees and immigrants : the symbiotic protection of the EU Charter and general principles of EU law, in: Federica Casarosa and Madalina Moraru, The Practice of Judicial Interaction in the Field of Fundamental Rights - The Added Value of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, London, Edward Elgar, 2022, pp. 264 - 289 [capitolo di libro]

Madalina Moraru; Fabian Lutz; Sergo Mananashvili, Return Directive, in: EU Asylum and Immigration A Commentary, London, HART, 2022, pp. 900 - 945 [capitolo di libro]

Madalina Moraru, The European Court of Justice Shaping the Right to be Heard for Asylum Seekers, Returnees, and Visa Applicants: An Exercise in Judicial Diplomacy’, «European Journal of Legal Studies», 2022, 14, pp. 21 - 61 [articolo] Open Access

Madalina Moraru, The future architecture of the EU’s return system following the Pact on Asylum and Migration: added value and shortcomings, in: Daniel Thym, Reforming the Common European Asylum System. Opportunities, Pitfalls, and Downsides of the Commission Proposals for a New ‘Pact’ on Migration and Asylum, Baden-Baden, Nomos, 2022, pp. 187 - 208 (Schriften zum Migrationsrecht) [capitolo di libro] Open Acces


Moraru M.; Janku L., Czech litigation on systematic detention of asylum seekers: Ripple effects across Europe, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MIGRATION AND LAW», 2021, 23, pp. 284 - 307 [articolo] Open Acces

Madalina Moraru, The EU Fundamental Right to Asylum: In Search of Its Legal Meaning and Effects, in: Fundamental Rights in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 139 - 158 [capitolo di libro]

  • 2020/2019

Madalina Moraru; Felicia Nica, A practical evaluation of border activities in Romania: control, surveillance and expulsions, in: Fundamental Rights Challenges in Border Controls and Expulsion of Irregular Immigrants in the European Union - Complaint Mechanisms and Access to Justice, london, Routledge, 2020, pp. 171 - 190 [capitolo di libro]

Nica F.; Moraru M., Diaspora Policies, Consular Services and Social Protection for Romanian Citizens Abroad, in: Lafleur Jean-Michel and Vintila Daniela, Migration and Social Protection in Europe and Beyond (Volume 2) Comparing Consular Services and Diaspora Policies, London, Springer Science and Business Media B.V., 2020, pp. 409 - 425 (IMISCOE RESEARCH SERIES) [capitolo di libro]

Madalina Moraru, Judicial Dialogue in Action: Making Sense of the Risk of Absconding in the Return Procedure, in: Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migrants from the European Union, London, Hart, 2020, pp. 125 - 148 [capitolo di libro] Open Access

Madalina Moraru; Galina Cornelisse, Judicial Dialogue on the Return Directive: Catalyst for Changing Migration Governance?, in: Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migration from the EU, London, HART, 2020, pp. 17 - 41 [capitolo di libro]

Madalina Moraru, Galina Cornelisse, Philippe de Bruycker (a cura di): Madalina Moraru, Law and Judicial Dialogue on the Return of Irregular Migrants from the European Union, London, Hart Publishing, 2020, pp. 528 [curatela]

Madalina Moraru, An Analysis Of The Consular Protection Directive: Are Eu Citizens Now Better Protected In The World?, «COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW», 2019, 56, pp. 417 - 461 [articolo]


  • Anni precedenti (libri e curatele)

Madalina Moraru, Securing consular protection of the EU citizens in the world: what role for the EU?, in: Inge Govaere and Sara Poli, EU management of global emergencies : legal framework for combating threats and crises, London, Brill, 2014, pp. 147 - 193 [capitolo di libro]

Cipolla C.; Vezzadini S., L’ambivalenza dell’in-sicurezza nei processi migratori, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2013, pp. 203 [curatela]