
The mission of CIRI Aerospace is to promote the development of knowledge, expertise and research services for companies and research entities operating in the sectors of aeronautics, space, energy systems, advanced materials and mechanical systems, sensors technologies, nautical and ground transportation.

Directors and Operative Units

The CIRI Aerospace was established with Rector's Decree n. 838-2010. The Regulation currently in force was approved with the Rector's Decree of 20/07/2018.

Director: Prof. Paolo Tortora

Deputy-director: Prof. Alessandro Talamelli

Responsible O.U.1 – Aeronautics, Aerodynamics and Propulsion
Prof. Enrico Troiani |

Responsible O.U.2 – Space Science and Technology
Prof. Mara Mirasoli |

Additional Members of the Management Committee of CIRI-AERO
Prof. Stefano Gandolfi |
Prof. Giangiacomo Minak |
Prof. Enrico Paolini |

Representatives of Fixed-Term Research Personnel
Eng. Igor Gai | 
Eng. Lorenzo Lazzarini | 



Represents the CIRI and is responsible for its scientific, administrative and accounting management. With the support of the Executive Board, it defines the industrial research strategies and programs of interest to CIRI and its financiers and clients.

Executive Board

It is made up of the Director, the Deputy Director, a Scientific Referent for each Operational Unit, the Administrative-managerial Manager who assumes the functions of secretary and 6 members of the Departments belonging to CIRI. The Board defines the scientific guidelines and strategic objectives of the CIRI and analyzes the proposals for research projects to be submitted to the Council for approval.

CIRI Council

It is made up of all the research staff and members of the CIRI. The Board is the main body for deliberating and approving the budget and final balance of CIRI.

Administrative-managerial manager

For all CIRI: dott.ssa Laura Morigi.

Responsible for prevention and protection

RSPP for the CIRI Aerospace is Rossella Serra.