The section STATUTES brings together the statutes of political parties analysed by the Observatory on Political Parties Aldo Di Virgilio. The latest available statute of each party, as of May 2020, is included. Where possible, the statute in force when the political party was studied by the Observatory is also included. The long-term aim of this section is to create a comprehensive archive of the statutes of all parties. Unfortunately, some statutes have not been available. There are two main sources: 1) the official party websites, which we usually consulted after each national party congress studied by the Observatory; 2) the national register of political parties envisaged by legislative decree no. 149, 28 December 2013, converted with amendments into law no. 13, 21 February 2014 ( The last part of the section is dedicated to statute analysis and contains a document by Archibald Gustin (University of Liège), regarding gender quotas indicated in the various party statutes.