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10 APRIL 2019


The discovery of listening experiences, interactive seminar by Enrico Daga (KMi, Open University, UK)

Aula Affreschi, Via Zamboni 34, Piano Terra

The Listening Experience Database Project (LED) is funded by UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). We show a framework for testing and evaluating the discovery of listening experiences, using multiple methods, followed by hands-on tasks for participants to analyse listening experiences.

28 MARCH 2019


Lab on using, setting, and working on a Crowdsourcing platform

Aula Affreschi, Via Zamboni 34, Piano Terra

This lab is open to all DHDK students and external guests. It will let attendees to act as workers in a Crowdsourcing platform, and to learn the basics to use and set an experiment on it. The Lab will be run by Valentina Presutti (ISTC-CNR). Contact Aldo Gangemi ( for info.

25 JANUARY 2019



Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici e Patrimonio Culturale) of the University of Udine.

06 JANUARY 2019


Carte, penne, inchiostri. Imagine, 3D e restauro digitale

SALA ROSSA - via Marsala 26

Il seminario presenta le più avanzate ricerche nell'ambito dell'imagineg, della ricostruzione 3D e del restauro digitale applicate a manoscritti antichi e moderni, utilizzate per studiare le stratigrafie compositive e per rappresentare la terza dimensione dei manoscritti d'autore: quella del tempo.