Here you can find a collection of relevant events organized by the DCC-CR and our partners
Ce.U.B. Bertinoro - Via Aldruda Frangipane 4, 47032 Bertinoro FC
This winter school is dedicated to an in-depth exploration of the critical theme of food systems in the anthropocene through the one health approach.
Internal meetings
Sala Feste Palazzo Malvezzi, Via Zamboni 22, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Fourth meeting of the Programme Committee meeting of the DCC-CR
Sala Feste Palazzo Malvezzi, Via Zamboni 22, 40126 Bologna, Italy - In presence and online event
The workshop aims to present a wide range of experiences and localized safeguard and adaptation strategies for coastal zones. Starting from the experiences in the Emilia-Romagna region, the workshop will present cases from around the world and interventions to promote coastal resilience policies.
Ocean Pavillion at COP28, Dubai, UAE
This event will facilitate presentations / discussions covering key aspects of the ocean value chain and their contribution to a sustainable and resilient blue economy and achieving UN decade outcomes.
Online - Online event
Get to know the Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience and the community behind it.
Online event
In this webinar, we invite two AXA Research fellows on Coastal Livelihoods to present their research, explore their contributions to the Ocean Decade mission, and highlight the opportunities this platform can provide.
Xiamen, China - In presence and online event
The Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO) programme was launched in 2021 and is an action endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade. The vision of the DITTO Programme is to build a world where Digital Twins of the Ocean are used to support ocean protection, governance, and a sustainable blue economy.
In Italian
Rimini, Italy
Il Rimini Blue Lab organizza i “BluECOnomy Off Days,” 38 eventi tra seminari, incontri, letture, proiezioni, laboratori in spiaggia e in aula indirizzati alle scuole
Rimini Expo Centre, Italy - In presence and online event
Ecomondo, the ecological transition ecosystem, is the place for industry, stakeholders, policy makers, opinion leaders and local authorities to meet and talk.
In Italian
Fondazione Cini - Isola di S. Giorgio, Venice
L'evento di propone di valutare i progressi e gli effetti delle strategie attuate per la protezione del patrimonio culturale, concentrandosi sui risultati ottenuti nel territorio veneziano.
Shanghai, China
The theme of this meeting is “Mega deltas - seeking solutions to the problem of sustainability”, during which, we will discuss about protection and restoration of ecosystems and biodiversity; community resilience to ocean hazards; and skills, knowledge and technology for all.
Online event
This webinar will showcase initial outputs of the ten White Papers, providing insights of the roadmap and framework of the Vision 2030.