Wearabil_IT 2016 - Fashion Business Technology Design

Wearabil_IT - Fashion Business Technology Design, the First International Symposium promoted by the University of Bologna and focused on the relationship between Fashion and Wearable Computing, held in Bologna, Italy on October 1st 2016 at the central Palazzo De’ Toschi.

The Symposium provided an opportunity for networking between the academic community and the business world, aiming to stimulate a multidisciplinary discussion on wearable high-tech products, whose widespread diffusion - encouraged by recent progress in the hardware and software industries - could change radically the paradigms of fashion. In order to encourage new research initiatives and highlight the opportunities and new challenges that a common analysis path can promote, Wearable Computing analyzed from multiple different perspectives.

Students from the First Cycle Degree Course in Fashion Cultures and Techniques - School of Arts, Humanities, and Cultural Heritage - University of Bologna - Rimini Campus, who attended the Symposium obtained 3 CFU credits.

The initiative is promoted by the University of Bologna and supported by the Department for Life Quality Studies, the Department of  Architecture, the Municipality of Bologna, Uni.Rimini SpA and the Fashion Research Italy Foundation. It is organized in collaboration with ACM SIGMOBILE, ICC - Thematic Action Group, Bologna Design Week 2016, ZoneModa and the First cycle degree in Industrial Design.