Title: Accessibility and Valorization of Fashion Digital Contents for Spreading For Spreading Fashion Culture and Studies
Parties: Department for Life Quality Studies (Dott.ssa Daniela Calanca and Prof.ssa Simona Segre Reinach) and Europeana Fashion International Association (Dott. Marco Rufino)
Purpose/objective: providing the portal www.europeanafashion.eu with digital items on fashion along with descriptive metadata (whose exact number will be decided by the two parties involved); the study and the application of enrichment processes of metadata concerning the online fashion digital archive; - The shared organization of an edit-a-thon on Digital Fashion Heritage.
Parties: Department for Life Quality Studies (Prof.ssa Simona Segre Reinach) and Archivi di Ricerca Mazzini (Dott. Attilio Mazzini and Benedetta Mazzini)
Purpose/objective: exchange of skills; research and classification activities; organization of exhibitions dedicated to fashion for didactic and scientific purposes.
Parties: Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna and “Fashion Research Italy” Foundation
Purpose/objective: development of a shared horizon of skills, interests, activities and research while preserving each party’s specificities and autonomy; the foundation of a school/museum aimed at: the development of research and didactic activities concerning new media and visual design applied to fashion, and to creative and cultural industries; professionalization processes by means of advanced training courses, permanent training courses and other training forms in the field of fashion and cultural creative industries international management, and in the field of digital languages and multi-medial cultures, aimed at supporting fashion companies in the promotion, sales and classification processes of their products. The update, the management and the valorisation of the digital and multi-medial photographic archive of Emilia Romagna’s main fashion brands (although further, national archives will also be taken into account), that will be made available to the public, and of other kinds of study and promotion of the material and immaterial fashion heritage. All this will take place following visualization/learning techniques that are able to trigger the curiosity and the interest of various actors (specialists, students, tourists).