Università di Bologna, Italy
Assistant professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: M-STO/04 Contemporary History
Università di Bologna, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: L-ART/03 History of Contemporary Art
Università di Bologna, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: L-ART/06 Cinema, Photography and Television
Università di Bologna, Italy
Adjunct professor, Department of the Arts
Department for Life Quality Studies
Università di Bologna, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: L-LIN/12 Language and Translation - English
CFC Co-Coordinator - Università di Bologna, Italy
Full Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: INF/01 Informatics
Università di Bologna, Italy
Full Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: L-ART/06 Cinema, Photography and Television
Director of Organisational Unit (UOS) Rimini of Department of the Arts - Università di Bologna, Italy
Full Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: L-ART/03 History of Contemporary Art
CFC Co-Coordinator, Università di Bologna, Italy
Chiara Pompa is an assistant professor (fixed-term) and lecturer in "Archives Enhancement for Fashion" and "Photography and Fashion Culture" at the Department of the Arts of the University of Bologna, where she holds a PhD in Visual, Performing and Media Arts. She is also managing editor of the journal "piano b. Arti e culture visive" and a fellow of the research centres "CFC - Culture Fashion Communication" and "FAF - Fotografia Arte Femminismo". Her interests focus, on the one hand, on the exploration of the poetics and photographic practices of the late 20th century, with particular attention to the relationships of interchange and reciprocity between the fields of art and fashion and, on the other hand, on the enhancement of the cultural heritage of fashion companies, with a specific interest in defining scenarios for the application of immersive technologies.
Università di Bologna, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: SPS/08 Sociology of Culture and Communication
Università di Bologna, Italy
Associate Professor, Department of the Arts
Academic discipline: SPS/09 Economic Sociology and Sociology of Work and Organizations