Research Centre

Purpose, activities and the main research topics of the CFC - International Research Center Culture Fashion Communication.

The "Culture Fashion Communication – International Research Centre" originates to strengthen and give new development perspectives to a network of scholars and experts, who have been studying for several years the phenomena linked to the fashion system, consumer goods and lifestyles with an innovative interdisciplinary method.

The purpose of the Research Centre is to make the across-the-board dialogue between the various academic disciplines its main strength. The Research Centre studies the fashion system and lifestyle dynamics as privileged analysis tools of contemporary trends and transformations by looking not only at the virtuous interconnections between social-liberal art disciplines, but also by directing great and ever increasing interest in the contact zones with the cultures of planning and design, computer science, technological applications.

Besides its interdisciplinary feature, the Centre has a strong international vocation as it is already supported by a sound network of relationships and collaborations with foreign scholars, who have been active and involved in different ways in the field of cultural and fashion studies for many years.

The activities of the Research Centre include: international conferences and workshops, book series, journals, projects involving public bodies and private institutions, participation in European competitions as well as fundraising for the promotion of scholarships, research fellowships on innovative study projects and strong technological experimentation.


Main Topics

  • Cultural Heritage and Fashion Archive
  • Mass Culture, Media and Everyday Aesthetics
  • Social and Visual Studies
  • Creativity Innovation and New Technologies
  • Design Cultures


CFC - Culture Fashion Communication

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Università di Bologna - Dipartimento delle Arti