Upcoming Events

CLAN Seminar with Yoshiyuki Kageyama

On Friday 21st June 2024, Prof. Yoshiyuki Kageyama, Hokkaido University, Japan, will give a lecture in the frame of the CLAN seminars series. You are welcome to join us at 11:00 in the Seminar Room 304 of CNR-ISOF12, first floor.

International Conference "Mach-5 - Molecular Machinery: Making, Measuring, Modeling" 2024

The second edition of the Mach-5 conference series will take place in the Bertinoro Castle, Italy, from 1 to 4 September 2024, organized by Alberto Credi and Rainer Herges. Following the success of the first Mach-5 event, held in the Plön Castle, Germany, in September 2022, the conference will target scientists who are active in the field of molecular machines and their components (motors, switches, rotors, actuators …). As in the macroscopic world, specific functions (directed motion, pumping, sensing, assembly, information storage, processing…) arise from coupling to an energy source or trigger (light, redox, concentration gradient, electric, magnetic fields …) and their interaction with the environment (solution, surface, polymers, biological systems …).