Past events

Scientific initiatives at CLAN

CLAN Seminar with Makoto Fujita

On Monday 10th February 2025, Prof. Makoto Fujita, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan, gave a lecture in the frame of the CLAN seminars series.

International Conference "Mach-5 - Molecular Machinery: Making, Measuring, Modeling" 2024

The second edition of the Mach-5 conference series took place in the Bertinoro Castle, Italy, from 1 to 4 September 2024, organized by Alberto Credi and Rainer Herges. Following the success of the first Mach-5 event, held in the Plön Castle, Germany, in September 2022, the conference has targeted scientists who are active in the field of molecular machines and their components (motors, switches, rotors, actuators …). As in the macroscopic world, specific functions (directed motion, pumping, sensing, assembly, information storage, processing…) arise from coupling to an energy source or trigger (light, redox, concentration gradient, electric, magnetic fields …) and their interaction with the environment (solution, surface, polymers, biological systems …).

CLAN Seminar with Yoshiyuki Kageyama

On Friday 21st June 2024, Prof. Yoshiyuki Kageyama, Hokkaido University, Japan, gave a lecture in the frame of the CLAN seminars series.

CLAN Seminar with Amar Flood

On Friday 31st May 2024, Prof. Amar Flood, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA, gave a lecture in the frame of the CLAN seminars series.

CLAN Seminar with Jonathon Beves

On Thursday 9th May 2024, Prof. Jon Beves, University of New South Wales, Australia, visiting professor at CLAN, presented a lecture on photoswitchable self-assembly of molecular cages.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Chiara Taticchi

On Tuesday 6th June 2023, Chiara Taticchi, post-doctoral fellow at CLAN, presented a lecture on diazene-type photoswitches, such as azobenzene derivatives, and their use in supramolecular chemistry and molecular machinery

International Conference "Mach-5 - Molecular Machinery: Making, Measuring, Modeling" 2022

The development of molecular machines and motors at the molecular scale is a hot topic of nanoscience with a revolutionary potential in several areas of technology and medicine. A new conferences series – Mach-5 – is launched in the Old Continent, along with scientific prizes named after the three Nobel laureates in Chemistry for molecular machines. These initiatives will favor the exchange of ideas, particularly among young scientists, the emergence of ground-breaking visions and the recognition of creativity in a burgeoning research field.

The first edition of Mach-5 was held in the Plön Castle, in northern Germany, on September 11-14, 2022.

The event was co-funded by the ERC Advanced Grant "Leaps" (PI: Alberto Credi) and constituted the final conference of the project.

CLAN 5th Anniversary Symposium

On July 13, 2022, UNIBO and CNR celebrated the fifth anniversary of CLAN with a scientific symposium, held in the conference center of the CNR Research Area of Bologna. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the state of the research on nanoscience, in particular in combination with photophysics and photochemistry, which is going on in the UNIBO Departments and in the CNR Institutes which, now gathered in the Navile district, constitute together a first-class center of chemical research at the European level.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Erica Paltrinieri

On Tuesday 24th May 2022, Erica Paltrinieri, PhD student at CLAN, presented a lecture on liposomes equipped with photoresponsive molecular guests

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Jessica Groppi

On Tuesday 12th April 2022, Jessica Groppi, ISOF researcher, presented a seminar on new routes to photo- and electro-active molecular devices and materials

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Federico Nicoli

On Thursday 17th June 2021, Federico Nicoli, CLAN graduate student at ISOF, presented a seminar on a rotaxane featuring a new imidazole-based photochromic moiety.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Max Curcio

On Tuesday 23rd March 2021, Dr. Massimiliano Curcio, CLAN postdoctoral associate at ISOF, presented a seminar entitled "Ethereal love: promoting ring-ring interactions in a [3]rotaxane".

CLAN Seminar with Giovanni Pavan

On Tuesday 19th January 2021, Prof. Giovanni Pavan, Politecnico di Torino, presented a lecture entitled "Computational approaches toward dynamic supramolecular systems with controllable reactivity".

CLAN Seminar with Mathijs Mabesoone

On Tuesday 3rd November 2020 at 15:00, Dr. Mathijs Mabesoone ​from Eindhoven University of Technology in The Netherlands lectured about "Two tales of solvents and supramolecular polymers".

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Luana Persano

On Monday 4 November 2019, Dr. Luana Persano, Istituto di Nanoscienze Cnr, Pisa, presented a lecture on polymer nanofibers for photonics and electronics.

CLAN Seminar with Françisco Raymo

Thank you Prof. Françisco Raymo for being part of the CLAN Seminar series and presenting on the topic "Photoswitchable Fluorophores for Bioimaging Applications".

CLAN Seminar with Valentina Carboni

On Thursday 9th May 2019 Dr. Valentina Carboni from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia, lecture on pillarenes as macrocyclic building blocks in supramolecular chemistry.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Marcello La Rosa

On 4th December 2018, Dr. Marcello La Rosa, CLAN postdoctoral associate at ISOF, spoke about chemically engineered CdSe quantum dots.

Molecular Machines Days @ CNR

Workshop "Molecular machines and motors: concepts, applications, perspectives". CNR Bologna Research Area, Main Lecture Room, 22 November 2018.

Molecular Machines Days @ UniBo

21 November 2018. "From laboratory curiosities o the Nobel Prize. The Journey of nanomachines". Meeting with the students, Aula Magna, Dipartimento di Chimica "G. Ciamician"
22 November 2018. Talk show "Molecular machines: how they will change our life". Aula Magna di S. Lucia. Event open to the public.

Molecular Machines Days - Bologna welcomes the 2016 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry

This past November was indeed an extraordinary opportunity for young researchers, scientists, professors, students and the Community at large as the city of Bologna welcomed the 2016 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry: Prof. Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Prof. J. Fraser Stoddart and Prof. Ben L. Feringa, as well as professor emeritus Prof. Vincenzo Balzani from the University of Bologna.

“Molecular machines: how they will change our lives” was the central theme in the lectures given of Prof. Sir J. Fraser StoddartProf. Jean-Pierre Sauvage and Prof. Ben Feringa, the three 2016 Nobel Laureates in chemistry, who were in invited to Bologna this past November to talk about their life, research and how they were able to reach their greatest achievements through the smallest devices known to man, together with molecular machines pioneer Prof. Vincenzo Balzani

How will these tiny machines change our lives? The possibilities are endless; from smart nanomaterials to biomedical applications, including drug delivery, diagnostics, nanosurgery, and biopsies of hard-to-reach tumors These tiny machines are expected to revolutionize many aspects of technology and medicine, leading eventually to major improvements in the quality of our lives.

The success of this monumental occasion is thanks to the partnership between the University of Bologna and the National Research Council of Bologna CNR Area di Ricerca di Bologna. 

CLAN Seminar with Scott Cockroft

Thank you to Prof. Scott Cockroft from the University of Edinburgh School of Chemistry for joining us on November 6th and presenting his interesting talk "Moving away from equilibrium: from molecular balances to transmembrane nanodevices". Prof. Cockroft's research focuses on physical organic chemistry, molecular recognition, non-covalent interactions, supramolecular chemistry, molecular machines.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Stefano Corrà

On Tuesday 23rd October 2018, Dr. Stefano Corrà, CLAN postdoctoral associate at ISOF, lectured on chirality in mechanically interlocked molecules.

46th National Conference on Inorganic Chemistry

Bologna, 10-13 September 2018. The CLAN team contributed to organise the very successful 46th edition of the Inorganic Chemistry meeting of the Italian Chemical Society. Alberto Credi served as the conference chair, and Massimo Baroncini, Giacomo Bergamini and Serena Silvi joined the organising committee.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Jessica Groppi

Tuesday 26th June 2018 - Dr. Jessica Groppi, CLAN postdoctoral associate at ISOF, described the development of artificial light powered supramolecular pumps.

CLAN Seminar with Massimiliano Curcio

On Monday 18th June 2018, Dr. Massimiliano Curcio from the University of Edinburgh presented a lecture entitled "Molecular approaches towards sustainability".

CLAN Seminar with Frédéric Coutrot

On Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 we welcomed Dr. Frédéric Coutrot from the Université Montpellier who presented a seminar entitled, "Translocators of Macrocycles: Toward the General Synthesis of Any Kind of Interlocked Molecules".

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Frédéric Coutrot

We are glad that the talk of Prof. Fred Coutrot was embedded in the CoffeeTalk@ISOF seminar series!

COffeeTalk@ISOF with Mattia Zangoli

On Tuesday 17th April 2018, Dr. Mattia Zangoli, ISOF, spoke about oligo- and polythiophenes and their applications in biology and organic electronics.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Kars de Vet

Tuesday February 13, 2018 - Dr. Christiaan (Kars) de Vet, CLAN postdoctoral associate, lectured on photopatterning of optically active nanofibers.

CLAN Seminar with Stefano Di Stefano

On Monday, January 22nd, 2018, Prof. Stefano Di Stefano from the Department of Chemistry at La Sapienza University of Rome joined for an interested talk on "Chemical Fuels for Acid-base Operated Molecular Machines".

CLAN Seminar with Cristiano Zonta

On the 17th of January 2018 we welcomed Prof. Cristiano Zonta from the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova who presented a talk entitled "Self-Assembled Metal-Ligand Supramolecular Architectures: From Chirality Sensing to Molecular Confinement".

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Serena Silvi

Prof. Serena Silvi, Università di Bologna, presented a lecture on calixarene-based rotaxanes, on Tuesday 12th December 2017

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Andrea Candini

On Tuesday 21st November 2017, Dr. Andrea Candini, ISOF, told us about graphene-based nanodevices.

CLAN Seminar with Angiolina Comotti

On Wednesday, June 28th, 2017, Prof. Angiolina Comotti from the Department of Material Sciences at the University of Milano-Bicocca spoke about molecular rotors and their spinning speed control by chemical stimuli.

CLAN Seminar with Christophe Nacci

On June 26, 2017, Dr. Christophe Nacci from the Institute of Chemistry, University of Graz in Austria lectured about on-surfce synthesis and characterization of molecular nanostructures.

CLAN is born!

On Tuesday, May 16th, 2017 the Center for Light Activated Nanostructures (CLAN), a joint Research Laboratory set up by the University of Bologna and the National Research Council (CNR), held its first official workshop on light activated nanostructures in Bologna. The workshop was a free registered event held at CNR in Bologna.  

The workshop is part of the various activities funded under the H2020 framework, ERC Advanced Grant project LEAPS. The workshop organizers would like to thank and acknowledge the institutional support provided by the Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari (DISTAL), University of Bologna and Gruppo Italiano di Fotochimica. Also, we would like to thank and acknowledge our venue sponsor, the National Research Council (CNR) Bologna Area and our in-kind sponsor, Hamamatsu.  

The workshop speakers are experts in their fields and hail from various parts of Europe. The keynote speakers were: Prof. Nathan McClenaghan from the University of Bordeaux, France; Prof. Rémi Métivier from Ecole Normale Superieure and CNRS in Cachan, France; Prof. Julia Perez-Prieto from Universidad de Valencia, Spain; Prof. Uwe Pischel from Universidad de Huelva, Spain. Invited speakers from Italy were:  Dr. Andrea Barbieri from the Istituto per la Sintesi e la Fotoattività – CNR in Bologna; Prof. Massimo Baroncini, Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari (DISTAL), University of Bologna; Prof. Giacomo Bergamini, Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”, University of Bologna; Prof. Elisabetta Collini from the Department of Chemical Sciences, UNiversity of Padova; Dr. Ilse Manet from the Istituto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività, CNR Bologna and Prof. Serena Silvi from the Department of Chemistry “Giacomo Ciamician”, University of Bologna. 

The workshop welcomed 100 participant made up of professors, students, researchers and business professionals. 

International Workshop on Light Activated Nanostructures

Tuesday 16th May 2017. The CLAN launching event was held in the Congress Center of the Bologna CNR Research Area.

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Alberto Credi

On Tuesday 9th May 2017, Prof. Alberto Credi, Università di Bologna and CLAN director at ISOF, presented a lecture on "Making the world's tiniest machines".

CoffeeTalk@ISOF with Ivan Aprahamian

On Tuesday 14th February 2017, Prof. Ivan Aprahamian, Dartmouth College, USA, visiting professor at CLAN, presented a lecture on hydrazone switches and fluorophores.