Project where CIRSA's researchers are involved
Increasing coastal ecosystem resilience to climate change
Adriatic coastal areas science-based solutions for climate adaptation
Proof of principle fly larvae biorefinery for biopolymer plastic production
CROtonic acid from Sewage Sludge
Green Strategies To Conserve The Past And Preserve The Future Of Cultural Heritage
Investigating Metal Bioremediation For The Preservation Of Historical Metal Artworks
Aumentare la qualità e il tasso di riciclaggio dei rifiuti di imballaggio Multistrato
Carbon-Negative Sustainable Biofuels by Combination of Thermochemical and Bio-Electrochemical Processes
Sustainable Preservation Strategies for Street Art
Adriaclim project is dedicated to supporting the development of science-based regional and local climate change adaptation plans.
Antarctica as a global pollution sensor: aquatic and terrestrial organisms as bio-indicators and meta-analysis of pollutant trends
Biobased and biodegradable Carbon Dot-Polymeric Nanofibrous Membranes for Solar-Assisted Water Remediation and Oil Spill Cleanup
Industrial demonstration of sludge to bioplastic pathway
CoAStal and marine waters integrated monitoring systems for ecosystems proteCtion AnD managemEnt
Management Of Big Data In Cultural Heritage: A Dynamic Shared Solution
Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science
Reliable and innovative technology for the realization of a sustainable MARINe And coastal seabed management PLAN
Mediterranean Innovation STRAtegy for transnational activity of clusters and networks of the Blue Growth
Piloting of eco-innovative fishery supply-chains to market added-value Adriatic fish products.
Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products
The Demonstration of Waste Biomass to Synthetic Fuels and Green Hydrogen