Global Ocean Corps and Conveyor

  • What it is

    A conveyor belt of global ocean science exchange

  • Who it’s for

    (Early-career) scientists

  • What it’s for

    Fostering global partnerships for education and research

Motivated by the example of the US Peace Corps, we propose "Global Ocean Corps and Conveyor" as a unifying concept for sustaining long-term education and research collaborations between scientists from underresourced nations and higher-resourced nations. Based upon our experience in Peace Corps and with the Coastal Ocean Environment Summer School in Ghana, we are confident that an Ocean Corps would inspire large numbers of scientists, especially early-career scientists, into its ranks, thus “internationalizing” their outlook, molding many of them into champions for international capacity development for the remainder of their careers, and fostering true ocean science collaborations worldwide.

Ocean Corps Vision:

An inclusive and integrated ocean science community, fueled by multifaceted knowledge and capacity exchange throughout the globe.

Ocean Corps Mission:

To facilitate capacity building around the world in ocean science and its application through international exchange with the global community.