Webinar "Coastal Resilience – projects and actions within the UN Ocean Decade"

The first webinar organized by the Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience will dive in the mission of the DCC, the goals of the Ocean Decade regarding coastal ecosystems and the presentations of projects working on coastal areas.

  • Date: 27 SEPTEMBER 2023  from 16:00 to 17:00

  • Event location: Online - Online event

  • Type: Webinars

What is the DCC-CR, and what is it planning to do in the coming months and years of the UN Ocean Decade? What are the priorities for coastal resilience in the framework of this 10-year long experience? These questions will be at the core of the discussion in this first DCC-CR webinar, when we will dive-in the UN Centre in Bologna, its activities and its goals.

Watch the recording on our YouTube channel

Agenda of the webinar:

  • 16:00-16:05 Welcome and housekeeping 
  • 16:05-16:15 DCC-CR presentation – Andrea Valentini, DCC-CR
  • 16:15-16:25 UN Ocean Decade presentation – Emma Needham, UN Ocean Decade Coordination Unit
  • 16:25-16:40 Integrated Coastal Management as an adaptation to climate change measure – Vivianne Solis-Weiss, Insituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (UNAM)
  • 16:40-16:55 Q&A  
  • 16:55-17:00 Wrap up and conclusion

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