Launch of UN Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region

The DCC held its inaugural meeting on August 23, 2023, when it presented its prospective activities to advance the mission of the UN Ocean Decade.

Published on 28 August 2023 | news

On 23 August 2023, the UN Decade Collaborative Centre for the Indian Ocean Region launched its activities during a hybrid meeting, which took place in the context of the 8th National Conference of the Ocean Society of India (OSICON 23). The Centre is hosted at the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) and is led by Dr. T. Srinivasa Kumar.

The primary focus of the DCC is to drive research and innovation for the UN Ocean Decade Challenges within the region. Leveraging its expertise in cutting-edge fields such as tsunami warnings and fisheries management, the Centre aims to address the multifaceted challenges brought about by climate change.

Numerous avenues for collaboration are anticipated between the DCC-IOR and DCC-CR. This cooperation begins with the joint leadership of the Ocean Decade Vision Working Group 6, encompassing a concerted effort to enhance understanding of how coastal regions globally can effectively mitigate oceanic hazards. This proactive interaction between the DCCs is poised to facilitate the creation of synergies and the advancement of knowledge generation across coastal areas throughout the expanse of the Indian Ocean.