Director of the DCC-CR, Professor at the University of Bologna
Nadia is Full Professor of Physical Oceanography at the University of Bologna and the Director of the Decade Collaborative Centre for Coastal Resilience. She holds a Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Harvard University, and her interests range from ocean numerical modelling and predictions to data assimilation, numerical modelling of the marine physical-biological interactions and pollutants at sea. She has written more than a hundred and seventy papers in peer-reviewed journals on a wide range of subjects.
Senior Specialist at Deltares
Ghada is a Senior Specialist in data sciences for ecosystem modeling and services. She is an associate professor in data assimilation and optimization at TU Delft and plays a key role in strategic research at Deltares. She is a coastal expert specialized in uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, data assimilation for environmental and ecosystem health, and integrated monitoring. She supervises PhD and MSc students and leads national and international projects. She is a member of the Science Council of Deltares.