Dante e la Divina Commedia in Emilia-Romagna



Dante's testimonies in the archives and libraries: an exhibition itinerary on the occasion of the seventh centenary of the death of the poet (1321-2021).


The Cultural Heritage Institute of the Emilia-Romagna Region, in collaboration with the Italian Dante Society, on the occasion of the seventh centenary of Dante's death, has created a widespread exhibition path, so that each conservation site becomes an illustrative theater of heritage and scientific and educational initiatives. Conceived by Alberto Casadei and curated by Gabriella Albanese, Sandro Bertelli and Paolo Pontari, the exhibition on Dante e la Divina Commedia Emilia Romagna unfolds in a common thread that unites all the events, consisting of the study of tradition, reception and contexts from Dante up to Humanism.



There are a total of 14 exhibitions that include the display of manuscripts, incunabula and sixteenth-century books of the Comedy and other Dante’s works, set up over a period of time that goes from Monday 2021 (March 25, Dantedì) and extends until the first months of 2022.


A single catalogue (published by Silvana Editoriale) accompanies the exhibition, with introductory essays by competent scholars from the academic world and experts in the ancient book heritage and with specific sections dedicated to Dante's possession of each institution involved. All accompanied by detailed cataloging cards of the manuscripts and ancient prints.


Prof. Paolo Tinti has been entrusted with the scientific coordination of the filing of all the incunabula kept in the Region. Of the 83 total incunabula descriptions in the catalogue, 1 was signed by Anna Bernabè, 35 by Federica Fabbri and 18 by Paolo Tinti:


Anna Bernabè - 15th century book of the Estense University Library of Modena;

Federica Fabbri - incunabula of the Classense Library Institution; incunabula of the Library of the Dante Center of the Conventual Friars Minor of Ravenna; incunabulum of the «San Pier Crisologo» diocesan library of Ravenna; incunabulum of the Manfrediana Library of Faenza; incunabula of the Municipal Library of the Archiginnasio of Bologna;

Paolo Tinti - incunabula of the Estense University Library of Modena;



Institutes involved in the exhibition project:


Passerini-Landi Library of Piacenza

Palatine Library of Parma

Modena State Archive

Estense University Library of Modena

Bologna State Archive

Municipal Library of the Archiginnasio of Bologna

University Library of Bologna

Municipal Library of Imola

Ariostea Municipal Library of Ferrara

Dante Center of the the Conventual Friars Minor of Ravenna

Classense Library Institution of Ravenna

Municipal Library «Aurelio Saffi» of Forlì

Malatesta Library of Cesena

Gambalunga Municipal Library of Rimini


The catalogue also includes the descriptions of Dante's incunabula kept at the «San Pier Crisologo» diocesan library in Ravenna (http://www.diocesiravennacervia.it/wd-annuario-enti/bibostazione-diocesana-10589/) and at the Manfrediana Library of Faenza (https://www.manfrediana.it/).


Dante in Emilia Romagna

An unpublished video, made by WildLab and released on the occasion of Monday (25th March 2021), traces the close relationship between Dante and Emilia-Romagna, from the early years of his exile to the last Ravenna refuge. «It is a monologue by Dante himself - says Prof. Alberto Casadei, creator of the project together with Claudia Collina - which recalls some of his stops in Emilia-Romagna, citing known and lesser known facts (for example the fact that he wrote a joking sonnet in Bologna on the two towers, preserved in the State Archives): this allows the listener to enter from the inside into Dante's biography, which is still very uncertain; landscapes and cities named in the Divine Comedy or in any case related to Dante's travels are presented in these territories, and the suggestions that have emerged, even at the level of inspiration. There remain the many manuscripts and prints that his works and in particular the Divine Comedy hand down to us, and here is the importance of the libraries and archives involved from all over Emilia-Romagna in the exhibition project. The third part of the video is dedicated to these places which preserve the testimonies of Dante's great fortune starting from the Trecen up to the entire humanistic era: although not even an autographed line by this great author has arrived, his texts, and in particular the Divine Comedy, have traveled everywhere, and have arrived there precisely because it was considered that they were worthy to be handed down also in splendid manuscripts».

"In su 'l lito di Chiassi". Tesori danteschi nelle biblioteche e negli archivi di Ravenna (21 agosto-6 novembre 2021)

Photos of the exhibition set-up at the Dante Center of the Conventual Friars Minor's Library in Ravenna

"In su ‘l lito di Chiassi"_1
"In su ‘l lito di Chiassi"_2
"In su ‘l lito di Chiassi"_3
"In su ‘l lito di Chiassi"_4
"In su ‘l lito di Chiassi"_5
"In su ‘l lito di Chiassi"_6

Scientific coordination of the cataloguing of all Dante's incunabula in Emilia-Romagna

Prof. Paolo Tinti

via Zamboni, 32 - 40126 Bologna IT

+39 051 2098566

+39 051 2098555

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