Biblioteche accademiche e terza missione

Book launch of Maria Cassella's latest book (Milano, Editrice Bibliografica, 2020)

  • Date: 03 JUNE 2021  from 17:00 to 19:00

  • Event location: Online (piattaforma Google Meet) -

The third mission refers to the set of activities with which universities enter into direct interaction with society, supporting the missions of teaching (first mission) and research (second mission). The volume offers a broad overview of the activities of this type that involve academic libraries in Italy, identifying the different lines of action that they can follow to develop the relationship with the territory and embrace the new cultural and social path of the university: continuous training, participation in projects with schools (school-work alternation) or in cultural and tourist-cultural events; the enhancement of the collections; support for open science and citizen science projects. Each line of action is enriched by best practices that can serve as a suggestion and stimulus for the academic librarian (Source:

Link to the event:


Alberto Salarelli, Università di Parma

Paolo Tinti, Università di Bologna, vicepresidente AIB Emilia-Romagna



Anna Bernabè, CER AIB Emilia-Romagna



Guglielmo Pescatore, Presidente del Sistema Bibliotecario d'Ateneo, Università di Bologna

Roberta Turricchia, presidente AIB Emilia-Romagna 

will speak 


The Author will be present.


On the initiative of AIB Emilia-Romagna (


Anna Bernabé

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