Arrowhead Tools

Duration: May 2019 – July 2022; Coordinator: Jerker Delsing (Lulea University of Technology, Sweden); ARCES Principal Investigator: Prof. Tullio Salmon Cinotti.

The Arrowhead Tools project aims for digitalisation and automation solutions for the European industry, which will close the gaps that hinder the IT/OT integration by introducing new technologies in an open source platform for the design and run-time engineering of IoT and System of Systems. To create digitalisation and automation solutions, Arrowhead Tools adresses engineering methodologies and suitable integrated tool chains with the global aim of substantially reducing the engineering costs for digitalisation/automation solutions.

In support of this goal, Arrowhead Tools provides innovations on the following:

  • Engineering Procedure and Tools for Digitalisation Solutions in industry
  • Training material: hardware, software, tools and application support

These innovations are based on the following core project activities:

  • Consolidated and TRL 7 mature platform for interoperability and SoS integration: Arrowhead Framework
  • Engineering tool chain integration architecture and reference implementation
  • Engineering procedure and supportive tools and tool chains
  • Validation and veri cation of such engineering procedure, tools and integrated tool chains in 25 commercially driven use cases covering applications in production, health, infrastructure, smart home and buildings, mobility and energy

The deliveries provide the core components of the Arrowhead Tools innovations. These innovations are the following:

  • IoT interoperability
  • SoS integration platform
  • SoS engineering tools
  • IoT Con guration and SoS Orchestration
  • IoT and SoS engineering training

This in support of the transition from the ISA-95 automation architecture to the RAMI4.0/IIRA paradigms for digitalisation and automation solutions, which will close technology and business gaps to render considerable impact regarding the following:

  • Reduced digitalisation investment cost
  • Reduced time to operation of large digitalisation solutions
  • Flexible, manageable and secure solutions
  • Long-term availability of skilled labor
  • European standardisation lead

ARCES participates to the project as third part of IU.NET consortium.