Local Public Finance for Sustainable Communities

  • Data: 29 MAGGIO 2024  dalle 9:30 alle 17:30

  • Luogo: Complesso Alberti, Room 7, Via Q. Sella 13 , Rimini Campus


  • 9.30 - 9.45 Welcome address
    Alessia Mariotti, President of the Rimini Campus Board
    Andrea Guizzardi, Head of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Tourism - CAST
  • Emanuela Randon and Giangiacomo D’Angelo, University of Bologna
  • 9.45-10.45 Asymmetries in Local Public Finance
    Chair: Massimo Baldini, University of Modena-Reggio Emilia
    Dealing with Local Asymmetric Shocks: Regional Rainy Funds for Stabilization and Risk Sharing
    Adriano D’Onofrio, University of Bologna
    Ownership or Procurement, Which Matters? Exploring Asymmetries in Local Public. Transportation in Italy through a Semi-Parametric Approach
    Monica Auteri, Roma Tre University, with A. Cremaschini
  • 10.45-11.15 Coffee break
  • 11.15 -12.15 Local Public Expenditure
    Chair: Leonzio Rizzo, University of Ferrara
    Central government’s goals vs municipalities’ action: Evidence from the Italian municipalities’ choices on childcare provision
    Alberto Zanardi, University of Bologna, with A. Cremaschini, M. Mastracci, F. Porcelli
    Politician’s generation and public expenditure for the environment: Evidence from local governments.
    Luigi Moretti, University of Bergamo, with P. Bello, D. Rossi
  • 12.15 – 13.00 Keynote Speaker: Alejandro Esteller-Morè
    University of Barcelona and Co-director of the IEB Research Program on Tax System Analysis
    Discovering Tax Decentralization: Does it Impact Marginal Willingness to Pay Taxes?
  • 13.00 -14.30 Lunch Time
  • 14.30-15.30 Fiscal Autonomy and Accountability
    Chair: Luigi Moretti, University of Bergamo
    Does Local fiscal autonomy increase local income? Evidence from Italy
    Leonzio Rizzo, University of Ferrara with M. Ferraresi, B. Hermann, L. Loiacono, R. Secomandi
    Leveraging Microdata: Two Proposals for Building Representative Local Datasets
    Andrea Barigazzi, University of Modena-Reggio Emilia with M. Baldini, G. Galli, M. Morciano
  • 15.30-15.50 Coffee Break
  • 15.50-17.20 Insights in Local Taxes
    Chair: Giangiacomo D’Angelo, University of Bologna
    Public Residential Construction, Local Taxation, and Tax Incentives
    Cosimo Franzoso, University of Salento
    Tourist Tax Perception: Evidence from Changes in the Collection Mechanism
    Elisabetta Mirto, University of Milan with E. Randon, M. Costa
    The revision of local taxation in the ongoing reform of the tax system
    Andrea Purpura, Catholic University of Milan
  • 17.20-17.30 Farewell



Emanuela Randon

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Giangiacomo D'Angelo

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