research, third mission
Three surveys have been carried out by our students to analyze the Covid-19 impact on different topics like travel habits, cultural tourism and related jobs.
The pandemic has unavoidably changed our lives and travel habits. Tourism operators tried to face this unprecedent crisis by guaranteeing “secure” sayings and holidays in accordance with the legislation on social distancing and sanitization of spaces.
The survey for this research tried to understand the possible changes in travel habits of Italian people. It was carried out in collaboration with ViviAppenanino and SIMTUR (Società Italiana Professionisti Mobilità Dolce e Turismo sostenibile). Results were shared with Tourism operators to support them in the understanding of the new needs of tourists.
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Communication has deeply changed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. New ways of transmission and participation have been experienced and these will probably remain even after the end of the emergency. Because of new paradigms, Communication will be renewed and integrated with digital medias.
In the last months, new technologies have contributed to make Communication more efficient and able to engage a community. Moreover, new tools and resources have enhanced exsisting platforms trying to make them more massive and inclusive.
The questionnaire used for this topic analyzed Communication changes in the context of Museums. The research was a collaboration between CAST, the “Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage” and the “Department of Culture and Landscape” both from Emilia-Romagna region.
The survey was created by: Alessia Beretta, Tommaso Di Nicola, Simona Lunghi, Martina Tanzillo, Marilena Visintin.
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The spread of pandemic in Italy has largely hit the country and its economy. The lockdown started in March 2020 forced a stop not ony for small or medium enterprises but also for big industrial companies. Small businesses like restaurants, hotels, museums and archeological parks are included.
Tourism was one of the most sacrificed sectors in Italy and according to forecasts a first reborn will be possible in 2021. Tourist Guides are among those workers who dramatically suffered the lack of work and the pandemic cancelled years of planning, strategies and actions in this field.
A survey was conducted to answer some questions about the current situation and the future perspectives of official Tourist Guides working in the territory of Emilia-Romagna. Confguide of the Province of Rimini and Guide in Rete CNA joined the project.
Goals of the survey:
- Comprehension of the working situation of Tourist Guides before and during the pandemic
- Understanding Guides’ perception about the future of the sector
- Collecting ideas to create new experiences in guided tours
The questionnaire was created by: Amelia Capolupo, Marta Rincón, Pia Lombardi, Silvia Scuterini, Davide Stefanelli.
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A survey was created to know more about bike tourists - who use bikes as main transportation in a vacation - and those tourists that infrequently use bikes during holidays.
The purporses of research were:
- to know more about habits and needs of these tourists before and during the Covid-19 pandemic
- to check if they already knew the existence of the Appenino Bike Tour path
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Period of the project: 2020
Research team: students of our Master in “Promotion of Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management” (5th edition, 2020)
Keywords: covid-19; travel habits; tourist guides; cycling holiday; bike tourism