DG GROWTH (European Commission) - Virtual Tourism Observatory: Analysis of the economical impact of the Tourism sector in the European Union

research; third mission

This work resulted from a collaboration between CAST, EASME (Executive Agency for SMEs) and the DG Growth of the European Commission; the project elaborated a methodology to measure the direct and indirect impact of the Tourism sector on the economy of the EU countries.

The methodology tried to integrate data collected from Input-Output tables of national accounts with the CST (Contabilità Satellite del Turismo) and the Inter-Country Input-Output Tables to identify priorities in the collection of data and in the respect a standard for the reporting of the economical impact of Tourism in the EU.

Period of the project: 2018-2019

Scientific Coordinator: Paolo Figini

Team of research: Roberto Patuelli

Keywords: Tourism observatory, analisi dell’impatto economico sul turismo, EASME, DG GROWTH, European Union

Partners: EASME e DG Growth (Commissione Europea)

Link utili: https://ec.europa.eu/easme/en


Paolo Figini

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