An informal meeting place where Masters students, PhD students, and professors meet together to discuss the ongoing research in different fronts of the COLITEC affairs.
Session 30
Thesis update
- N. Tedesco. Modelling disfluency in transcultural communication: the effects of translanguaging and plurilingualism on speakers' fluency (20 min)
Project update
- A. Ferraresi. UNITE error annotation (20 min)
- A. Forzatti and S. Bernardini. Worlds of Labour - Phase 1 (20 min)
- G. Palmieri. Semantics and gender marking in Swahili (20 min)
Session 29
Invited talk by Kaspars Kauliņš (
Session 28
- E. Diegoli. Questioning the question mark (10 min)
Thesis updates
- S.Liu. MICICL: where we stand (20 min)
- Q. Qin. Collocation processing (20 min)
Session 27
Project updates
- S. Bernardini. The U-LEAD E+ (CBHE) proposal (15 min)
- M. Milicevic. Vulnerable languages in Serbia, results of the VLingS project, (25 min)
Session 26
- A. Fedotova. What happened at CLIC-it (20 min)
- M. Russo. The Unified Interpreting Corpus (UNIC) Platform (20 min)
- All. Logistics for the seminar
5-min introduction to the UNIC platform:
Session cancelled
Session 25
- E. Diegoli. Updates on the Lexical Priming project (25 minutes)
- C. Cervini, E. Paone et al. Exploring plurilingual speech in intercomprehension: where do we stand and what's next? (30 minutes)
- A. Paradisi. Learner Corpora and the AI Revolution: Towards Error-Annotation of a Corpus of Italian EFL Students' Interactions with Chatbots (25 minutes)
Session 24
- N. Tedesco. Hello, NomadLingo (20 min)
- S. Liu. A Study on Semantic Prosody of the word “女权[Feminist/m]” in Chinese Social Media (15 minutes)
- S. Bernardini, A Forzatti et al. Worlds of Labour (20 min)
- A. Barron. Gigi rehearsal (aka gastrowiki) (10 min)
Session 23
Invited seminar: Towards a unified ecolinguistics + Diachronic corpus-assisted ecolinguistics for exploring language change and the environment
A seminar with Robert Poole (University of Alabama)
Session 22
- G. Palmieri and D. Polizzi. Towards a systematic review on the use of LLM-based chatbots for language practice (25 min)
- D. Ciminari. Multilingual Idiom Disambiguation and Identification through Instruction Fine-tuning, (20 min)
- Logistics and future seminars (rest of the seminar)
Session 21
- N. Tedesco. Transcribing and annotating translingual spoken data: first challenges and solutions (30 min)
- E. Paone, C. Cervini, et al. Different ways of exploring plurilingual speech in intercomprehension (30 min)
- P. Stempniewicz. Fostering active citizenship and ethical professionalism: a service-learning paradigm for translation education (20 min)
Session 20
- ALL. Discussion about how to improve the seminar (incl. the outcomes of the survey)
- N. Liu and M. Russo. A core metadata schema for interpreting corpora: Implementation in the Unified Interpreting Corpus (UNIC) platform (20 min)
- A. Barrón-Cedeño. How computable was computational thinking at the triennale/magistrale? (20 min)
Session 19
- N. Tedesco. Data management, privacy & open science (30 min)
- A. Barron. Computational thinking at the lauree is computable? (30 min)
- M Milicevic. Stats and research skills for all (20 min)
Session 18
- O. Arsic and S. Bernardini. Assessment in research-based teaching (20 min)
- P. Gajo. Cross-lingual entity-recognition recipe annotation (20 min)
- A. Fedotova. EPTIC v2-Expanding an intermodal, multidirectional parallel corpus of European Parliament debates (20 min)
- P. Gajo. What can John do for you? (10 min)
Session 17
- K. Korre. On Translating Misogyny and Homophobia (30 min)
- E. Pistoia. Thesis Update: Sentence-pair classification with word embeddings (15 min)
- S. Bernardini. New Master’s course in Applied data science? (20 min)
Session 16
- P. Gajo. Entity alignment for named entity recognition in food recipes (30 min)
- N. Tedesco. A sociolinguistic perspective on digital nomad communities in Europe (35 min)
Session 15
- Qiuqing Qin. Stop what you are doing and make a pause. 15 min
- Maja Maja Milicevic Petrovic. Measuring phraseology (summary of the PHRAME conference). 20 min
- (tentative) Alberto Barrón. On the definition and the automatic detection of hate speech - A tale of pulling translators into NLP
Session 14
- Qiuqing Qin. Collocation processing in writing and translation between Chinese and English: A corpus-based and keylogging analysis. 20 min
- E. Zucchini and C. Cervini. Interacting in intercomprehension settings: how to deal with plurilingual oral data. 20 min
- Eugenia Diegoli. Lexical Priming on Japanese: Evolutions, Evaluation, Extension. 15 min
Session 13
- Silvia Bernardini/Federico Garcea. Corpus approaches to news translation: Can we do better than comparable? 30 min
- Elton Pistolia. Comparable corpora and news translation (en-el). 10 min
- Olga Arsic. UPSKILLS 2.0. 10 min
- Paolo Gajo. Multilingual ingredient NER. 20 min
- Federico Garcea. !Trans on gastronmy (no) translation updates. 10 min
Session 12
- Adriano Ferraresi. Launching projects insights. 15 min
- Katerina Korre. Updates on hate speech findings. 20 min
- Alberto Barrón. Updates from EMT (+Incels at RANLP 2023). 25 min
Session 11
- Nannan Liu. Register shifts in political conference interpreting: A multidimensional analysis. 20 min
- Maja Milicevic. Highlights of CLARC 2023. 10 min
- Novella Tedesco. Survey on language an communication studies. 15 min
Session 10
- Novella Tedesco. Short updates (10 min)
- Alberto Barrón. WAKAMoLe FIS rehearsal (30 min)
Session 9
- Siyuan Liu. MICICL: data processing challenges (20 min)
- Alice Fedotova. Toward the Automatic Identification of Isotopies Based on Dialogue (20 min)
- Novella Tedesco. Research methods in ethnolinguistics & preliminary research on the European digital nomads community (20 min)
Session 8
- Eleonora Zucchini. InterCom project: approaching data analysis (15 min)
- Paolo Gajo. On the use of ChatGPT (15 min)
Session 7
- Adriano Ferraresi. Updates from the EMT meeting (15 min)
- Alberto Barrón. What happened at ECIR 2023? (20 min)
- Mariachiara Russo. Upcoming Marie Curie project (15 min)
Session 6
- Fran Jañez Martino. Spotting propaganda techniques in spam emails (15 min)
- Francesco Fernicola. Latest advances in MT and its Evaluation + introducing the WMT2023 tasks (25 min)
Session 5
- Novella Tedesco. Overview of AitLA conference (15 min)
- Federico Garcea. Updates+demo on !Trans (30 min)
- Giuseppe Malara. Preliminary ideas on Human or Neural Translation: Theory and Application (10 min)
- Paolo Gajo. Updates on inceldom (10 min)
Fourth Session
- Lucia Baldi. Overview of the Convergence 2023 conference (45 minutes)
- Eleonora Zucchini. InterCom project: preliminary issues
- Quick updates and discussion
Third session.
- Elton Pistolia. Preliminary ideas at CLARIN ERIC
- Novella Tedesco - AVT paper updates
- Katerina Korre - Toxicity updates
- Alberto Barrón - Autextification shared task
Second session of the COLITEC seminar, starring our participation at DAR's project on the analysis of medical TV dramas and the evaluation of transcription for interpreting
- Alice Fedotova - On the identification of narratives in medical series
- Novella Tedesco - PhD project definition + transcription evaluation
The (re-)launching of the COLITEC seminar including updates on ongoing PhD research works and the presentation of preliminary ideas on the GastroWiki project and a MA thesis on the analysis of inceldom
- Katerina Korre - PhD updates
- Siyuan Liu - PhD project definition
- Francesco Fernicola - PhD updates
- Anna Zingaro - GastroWiki, first thoughts
- Paolo Gajo - Masters proposal on inceldom