Corpus-Based Translation and Interpreting Studies


Bernardini, S. 2022. How to use corpora for translation. In A. O'Keeffe and M. McCarthy (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics (2nd edition). London/New York: Routledge, pp. 485 - 498.

Bernardini S. and  Ferraresi A. 2022. Corpus Linguistics. In F. Zanettin and C. Rundle (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 207 - 222. 

Ivaska, I., Ferraresi, A. and Bernardini, S. 2022. Syntactic Properties of Constrained English: A Corpus-Driven Approach. In S. Granger and M. Lefer (eds.) Extending the Scope of Corpus-Based Translation Studies. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 133 - 157.


Russo, M. (in press) “Corpus-based interpreting studies”. In Yves Gambier and  Luc van Doorslaer (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 31-36.  

Kajzer-Wietrzny, M., Ivaska, I. and Ferraresi, A. 2021. ‘Lost’ in interpreting and ‘found’ in translation: using an intermodal, multidirectional parallel corpus to investigate the rendition of numbers. Perspectives 29, pp. 1 - 20.


Bendazzoli, C., Bertozzi, M. and Russo, M. 2020. Du texte aux ressources multimodales : faire avancer la recherche en interprétation à partir d’un corpus déjà existant (From text to multimodal resources: Leveraging an existing corpus to advance in interpreting research), Meta 65 (1): 211-236. 

Bernardini, S. and Kenny, D. Corpora. In M. Baker & G. Saldahna (eds.) Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 110 - 115.

Bernardini, S. 2020. Analisi di corpora per la traduzione: una lezione introduttivaMediazioni 29, pp. 1 - 26.

Ferraresi, A., Pederzoli, R., Cavalcanti, S. and Scansani, R. (eds.) 2020. Metodi e ambiti nella ricerca sulla traduzione, l’interpretazione e l’interculturalità // Research Methods and Themes in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies. Forlì: Dipartimento di Interpretazione e Traduzione.

Ferraresi, A. 2020. Metodi statistici per gli studi sulla traduzione e l’interpretazione. Mediazioni 29, pp. 27 - 51.

Frank, M., Bartolesi, F., Bernardini, S. and Alan Partington, A. 2020 Is Contamination Good or Bad? A Corpus-assisted Case Study in Translating Evaluative Prosody, «MEDIAZIONI» pp. 1 - 28.

González Rodríguez, M. J. 2020. La interpretación a distancia y su formación: la experiencia de la Shift Summer School y cómo crear la ‘virtualidad necesaria’en el aulainTRAlinea Special Issue: Technology in Interpreter Education and Practice

Ivaska, I. and Bernardini, S. 2020 Constrained language use in Finnish: A corpus-driven approach. Nordic Journal of Linguistics 43, pp. 33 - 57. 


Bernardini, S. and Mair, C. 2019. Investigating Englishes with Corpora: An Introduction. Textus 32, pp. 7 - 18.

Bernardini, S. and Mair, C. (eds.) 2019. Investigating Englishes with Corpora: Variation, Contact, Translation. Roma: Carocci.

Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A., Russo, M., Collard, C. and, Defrancq, B. 2018. Building Interpreting and Intermodal Corpora: A How to for a Formidable Task. In (eds.) Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Singapore: Springer, pp. 21 - 42.

 Ferraresi, A. 2019. Collocations in Contact: Exploring Constrained Varieties of English through CorporaTextus 1 , pp. 203 - 222

Ferraresi, A. 2019. How specialized (or popularized)? Terminological density as a clue to text specialization in the domain of food safety. Lingue e Linguaggi, 29, pp. 17 - 39. 

Ferraresi; A. and Bernardini, S. 2019. Building EPTIC: A many-sided, multi-purpose corpus of EU parliament proceedings. In Doval I. & Sánchez Nieto M. T. (eds.) Parallel Corpora for Contrastive and Translation Studies. New resources and applications. Amsterdam: Philadelphia, John Benjamins,pp. 123 - 139.

Russo M. 2019. Potencialidad del corpus de interpretación EPIC para el análisis léxico, morfosintáctico y semántico entre español e italiano. Le ragioni del tradurre. Teorie e prassi traduttive tra Italia e mondo iberico, Atti del XXVII Congresso AISPI Forlì 23-26 Maggio 2012, Intralinea

Russo, M. 2019. Corpus-based studies in conference interpreting. In Y. Gambier (ed.) “Current Challenges in Translation Studies”, special issue of Slovo (Journal of IKBFU/I. Kant Baltic Federal University, Kaliningrad, Russia), vol. 10 (1), Part 1: 87-100. 

Scansani, R., Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A. Bentivogli, L. 2019. Do translator trainees trust machine translation? An experiment on post-editing and revision. In Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit XVII. Volume 2: Translator, Project and User Tracks, pp. 73 - 79.

 Scansani, R. Bentivogli, L. Bernardini, S. Ferraresi, A. 2019. MAGMATic: A Multi-domain Academic Gold Standard with Manual Annotation of Terminology for Machine Translation Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Machine Translation Summit XVII. Volume 1: Research track, pp. 78 - 86.

Wiesmann, E. 2019. Zum Nutzen von ausgangssprachlichen Korpora beim Verstehen und Übersetzung von Rechtstexten. In: I, Simonnæs & M. Kristiansen (eds.) Legal Translation. Current Issues and Challenges in Research, Methods and Applications. Forum für Fachsprachen-Forschung 149. Berlin: Frank & Timme, pp. 279-297.


Bendazzoli, C., M. Russo and B. Defrancq (eds.) 2018. Special Issue: New Findings in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies, Intralinea (20) 

Bendazzoli, C., Russo, M. and Defrancq, B. 2018. Corpus-based interpreting studies: The state of the art. A booming research field: an Introduction by the guest editors. Special Issue: New Findings in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies, Intralinea (20). 

Bernardini, S. and Russo, M. 2018 Corpus Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting. In K. Malmkjaer (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Translation Studies and Linguistics. London/New York: Routledge, pp. 342 - 356.

Ferraresi, A., Bernardini, S. Miličević Petrović, M. and Lefer, M-A 2018. Simplified or not simplified? The different guises of mediated English at the European Parliament. Meta, pp. 717 - 738.

Partington, A. 2018. The evaluative prosody of forms of government and power: '-cracy' and '-archy', is this prosody inheritable and what are the implications for translation?Interlinea On line Translation Journal Special Issue, pp. 1 - 6.

Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C. and Defrancq, B. (eds.) 2018. Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Series: New Trends in translation Studies. Singapore: Springer.

Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C. and Defrancq, B. (eds.) 2018. “Foreword”, Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Series: New Trends in translation Studies. Singapore: Springer, pp. ix-xii. 

Russo M. 2018. “Speaking patterns and gender in the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus. A quantitative study as a premise for qualitative investigations”. In M. Russo, C. Bendazzoli and B. Defranq (eds) Making Way in Corpus-based Interpreting Studies. Singapore: Springer, pp. 115-131. 

Wiesmann, E. 2018. Salvo und seine deutschen Entsprechungen. Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit dem Sprachgebrauch in italienischen, deutschen und Schweizer Rechtstexten und ihren Übersetzungen. In Parallèles 30(1): 83-102. 


Bernardini, S. 2016. Intermodal corpora: A novel resource for descriptive and applied translation studies. In Corpas Pastor, G. & Seghiri M. (eds.) Corpus-based approaches to translation and interpreting : from theory to applications. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 129 - 148.

Bernardini, S., Ferraresi, A. and Miličević, M. From EPIC to EPTIC — Exploring simplification in interpreting and translation from an intermodal perspective. Target 28, pp. 61 - 86.

Russo, M. 2016. Orality and Gender: A corpus-based study on lexical patterns in simultaneous interpreting. In C. Calvo and N. Spinolo (eds.) Translating orality/La traducción de la oralidad. MonTI  Special issue 3: 307-322. 


Bernardini, S. 2015. Translation. In D. Biber & R. Reppen (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of English Corpus Linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 515 - 536.

Ferraresi, A. and Bernardini, S. 2015. Institutional academic English and its phraseology: native and lingua franca perspectives. In P. Thompson & G. Diani (eds.) English for Academic Purposes. Approaches and Implications. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 225 - 244.

Wiesmann, E. 2015. Significato e traduzione tedesca di salvo. Oltre l’analisi linguistica basata su corpora di testi giuridici. In F. Gatta (ed.) Dossier L’italiano delle professioni. mediAzioni no. 18.


Russo, M. 2014. Fenomeni dell’oralità critici per l’interpretazione simultanea: un’analisi contrastiva spagnolo-italiano basata sul corpus EPICCuadernos AISPI. Estudios de lenguas y literaturas hispánicas, 4: 165-182. 


Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli A. and Spinolo N. 2012. The European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC): Implementation and developments. In F. Straniero Sergio & C. Falbo (eds.) Breaking Ground in Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies, Bern, Peter Lang, pp. 35-90. 


Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli, A. and Russo, M. 2011. Disfluencies in simultaneous interpreting: A corpus-based analysis. In A. Kruger, K. Wallmach and J. Munday (eds.) Corpus-based Translation Studies: Research and Applications, London /New York, Continuum, pp. 282-306. 

Bernardini, S. 2011 Monolingual comparable corpora and parallel corpora in the search for features of translated language. Synaps 26, pp. 2 - 13.

Bernardini, S. and Ferraresi, A. 2011 Practice, Description and Theory Come Together: Normalization or Interference in Italian Technical Translation? Meta 56, pp. 226 - 246.


Ferraresi, A., Bernardini, S., Picci G. and Baroni M. 2010. Web Corpora for Bilingual Lexicography: A Pilot Study of English/French Collocation Extraction and Translation. In R. Xiao (eds.) Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 337 - 359.

Gaspari, F. and Bernardini, S. 2010. Comparing non-native and translated language: monolingual comparable corpora with a twist. In R. Xiao (ed.) Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars, pp. 215 - 234.

Sandrelli, A., Bendazzoli, C. and Russo, M. 2010. European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC): Methodological issues and preliminary results on lexical patterns in SI. International Journal of Translation 22 (1-2): 165-203. 

Russo, M. 2010. Prefazione. In C. Bendazzoli Corpora e interpretazione simultanea, Alma-DL  Saggi. 

Russo, M. 2010. “Reflecting on interpreting practice: Graduation theses based on the European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC)”, in L. Zybatow (ed.) Translationswissenschaft – Stand und Perspektiven. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft VI (ForumTranslationswissenschaft, Band 12), Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, pp. 35-50. 


Gaspari, F. and Bernardini, S. 2009 Revisiting the notion of translation universals through L2 written production: theoretical and methodological issues. In S. Cavagnoli et al. (eds.) La ricerca nella comunicazione interlinguistica. Approcci teorici e metodologici. Milano: Franco Angeli, pp. 202 - 216.

Ferraresi, A. 2009. Google and beyond: web-as-corpus methodologies for translators. Revista Tradumàtica 7.

Ilisei, I., Pekar, V. and Bernardini, S. 2009 Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing Methods and Corpora in Translation, Lexicography, and Language Learning, Association for Computational Linguistics.

Wiesmann, E. 2009. Stützverbkonstruktionen mit eccezione in der italienischen Rechtssprache. Eine lexikongrammatische Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der Gebrauchskontexte und mit Blick auf die Übersetzung. In W. Heinrich & C. Heiss (eds.) Fachsprache, elektronische Wörterbücher, multimediale Datenbanken. Empirische Forschungsansätze der Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft. Festschrift für Marcello Soffritti zum 60. Geburtstag. München: Iudicium, pp. 60-79.


Gaspari, F. and Bernardini, S. 2008. Comparing Non-native and Translated Language: Monolingual Comparable Corpora with a Twist.  In Proceedings of The International Symposium on Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS08).

Ferraresi, A., Bernardini, S., Baroni, M. and Picci, G. 2008. Comparable Web corpora for bilingual lexicography: a pilot study of English/French collocation extraction and translation. In Proceedings of The International Symposium on Using Corpora in Contrastive and Translation Studies (UCCTS08).

Russo, M. 2008. Formazione e ricerca in interpretazione di conferenza presso la SSLMIT di Forlì: il progetto European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC). In C. Robustelli & M. Benedetti (eds.) Le lingue d'Europa patrimonio comune dei cittadini europei, Atti del Convegno 3-4 luglio 2007, Accademia della Crusca e Commissione Europea Direzione Generale dell'interpretazione, Firenze/Bruxelles, 217-229. 


Baroni, M. and Bernardini, S. 2007. A preliminary analysis of collocational differences in monolingual comparable corpora. In W. Teubert & R. Krishnamurthy (eds.) Critical concepts in corpus linguistics. London: Routledge, pp. 366 - 383.

Bernardini, S. 2007. Collocations in Translated Language: Combining Parallel, Comparable and Reference Corpora. In Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference (CL2007), University of Birmingham (Birmingham, 27-30 luglio 2007).
Russo, M. 2007. “European Parliament Interpreting Corpus (EPIC): rasgos distintivos de la interpretación simultánea de los discursos en español” (Relazione presentata al Coloquio de Lingüística Hispánica Textos españoles versiones y conversiones, Università di Pisa, 15-16 Febbraio 2007), Rivista di Filologia e Letterature Ispaniche, 10: 289-304. 


Baroni, M. and Bernardini, S. 2006. A new approach to the study of translationese: Machine-learning the difference between original and translated textLiterary & Linguistic Computing 21(3), pp. 259 - 274.

Bernardini, S. 2006. Corpora for translator education and translation practice: achievements and challenges. In Proceedings of LREC 2006 (5th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference). Paris: ELRA, pp. 17 - 22. 

Russo, M., Bendazzoli, C. and Sandrelli, A. 2006. Looking for lexical patterns in a trilingual corpus of source and interpreted speeches: Extended analysis of EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus), Forum 4 (1): 221-254.


Bernardini, S. 2005. Reviving old ideas: parallel and comparable analysis in translation studies - with an example from translation stylistics. In K. Aijmer and  C. Alvstad (eds.) New tendencies in translation studies. Gothenburg: University of Gothenburg, pp. 5 - 18.

Bernardini, S. and Baroni, M. 2005. Spotting translationese: A corpus-driven approach using support vector machines. In P. Danielsson (ed.) Proceedings of Corpus Linguistics Conference Series 2005, Birmingham: University of Birmingham, 2005, 1, pp. 1 - 12.

Bernardini, S. and Castagnoli, S. 2005. Translators, meet CorporaBulletin - Institute of Translation & Interpreting July-August 2005, pp. 30 - 31.

Monti, C., Bendazzoli, C., Sandrelli, A. and Russo, M. 2005. Studying directionality in simultaneous interpreting through an electronic corpus: EPIC (European Parliament Interpreting Corpus)Meta, 50 (4).    


Bernardini, S. 2004. The theory behind the practice: Translator training or translator education? In K. Malmkjaer (ed.) Translation in Undergraduate Degree Programmes. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company,-pp. 17 - 30.

Bernardini, S.and Zanettin, F. 2004. When is a universal not a universal? Some limits of current corpus-based methodologies for the investigation of translation universals". In A. Mauranen & P. Kujamaki (eds.) Translation Universals. Do they exist? Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 51 - 62


Partington, A. 1995. True Friends are Hard to Find: A machine-assisted investigation of false, true and just plain unreliable 'friends'. Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 1995/1, 99-152. University of Copenhagen – Museum Tusculanum Press.