3rd International Congress of the CISEM

The Scientific Committee of the CISEM (Inter-University Centre for Studies on Late Antique Housing in the Mediterranean) invites proposals for presentations at the 3rd CISEM International Congress "Living in Late-Antique Mediterranean", that will be held in Bologna on 28th-31st October 2019.

  • Date:

    28 OCTOBER
    31 OCTOBER 2019
  • Event location: Aula Prodi, Department of History and Cultures, P.za San Giovanni in Monte 2, 40124 Bologna

  • Type: Congress

The Congress will last four days, three of which dedicated to the presentation and the discussion of general topics regarding Late Antique Housing in the Mediterranean, with special insights on particular contexts. On the fourth day, the last results of the ongoing study on the "Domus di Via D'Azeglio" will be presented in Ravenna.

We invite you to submit a synthesis of your research activity as an oral contribution or a poster. The contributions should relate to general and cross-cutting topics, while the posters will be specifically dedicated to the presentation of ongoing research projects and particular sites. Previously unpublished subjects and/or new considerations on already known sites are particularly welcome.

The official languages of the Congress are Italian, English, Spanish, French and German.

The Congress Proceedings will be edited by the Scientific Committee of the CISEM and will include both the contributions and the posters presented during the meeting.


The deadline to submit abstracts is April 15th, 2019 to the following address: disci.cisem@unibo.it.

The abstracts will not exceed 300 words and will include also the following information: Title of the Poster/Contribution, Author’s name and institution, Author’s e-mail address, three Keywords.

The Organising Committee will send a notification of acceptance of the selected papers by May 20th, 2019. By the same deadline, a draft programme of the Congress will be sent to all the participants and published on the website https://centri.unibo.it/cisem/it 


Registration fees: standard: 50€ (100€ after June 30th, 2019); Ph.D. students, Graduate students and Research Fellows: 25€ (50€ after June 30th, 2019); Undergraduate students as spectators: free (if they want to partecipate in the social activities: 25€).

For organisational reasons, Undergraduated students will communicate their registration to the Congress, by sending a copy of their enrollment certification.

The registration fee will be payed via bank transfer (currency: Euro):

Recipient: ROBINTUR S.P.A.

Iban: IT 07 T 0538702403000000551947, SWIFT: Bpmoit22xxx

Reason for payment (mandatory): NAME and SURNAME + PRA-2019-4001 (procedure identification code)

We kindly ask you to send a copy of the transfer receipt (for Undergratuated students: a copy of the enrolment certification) to the Organising Committee’s e-mail address: disci.cisem@unibo.it


Scientific Committee

Isabella Baldini, Alexandra Chavarrìa, Carla Sfameni, Giuliano Volpe

 Organising Committee

Isabella Baldini, Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, isabella.baldini@unibo.it

Carla Sfameni, Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo Antico (ISMA), CNR, Roma, carla.sfameni@isma.cnr.it

For all enquiries, please contact: 

Lucia Orlandi, Department of History and Cultures, University of Bologna, disci.cisem@unibo.it 

Aula Prodi, Department of History and Cultures


Organising Committee

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