CISEM 4th INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS - Living in the Late Antique Mediterrean - "Vivir en el Mediterráneo Tardoantiguo"

The 4th International Congress of the CISEM, "Living in the Late Antique Mediterrean", was held in Cuenca (University pf Castilla-La Mancha, Spain) between the 7th and the 9th of November 2022, thanks to the warm hospitality of Prof. Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar and Prof. Helena Gozalbes García.

The Congress, organized in three days, focused on discussing general topics concerning Late Antique housing, with a closer examination on specific contexts.
An optional trip to Segóbriga was planned on November 6th, as well as a visit to the roman Mausoleum of Llanes and to Noheda Villa.

The activities were opened by the Vicerector de Cultura de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Cesar Sanchéz, l'Alcalde de Cuenca, Dario Dolz, il Presidente de la Diputacion Provincial de Cuenca, Alvaro Martines Chana and the Director General de Universidades de Castilla La Mancha, Ricardo Cuevas.
Scholars from seven countries worked on this project, and the event was attended by over 180 guests. A great success for the CISEM, that for the first time held its international Congress outside Italy.

The Proceedings of the Congress have been published in the series Insulae Diomedeae by Edipuglia (Bari 2024), edited by Isabella Baldini, Carla Sfameni and Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar.

Scientific Direction: Isabella Baldini, Carla Sfameni, Miguel Angel Valero Tévar

Scientific Committee: Isabella Baldini, Paolo Barresi, Julia Beltrán d'Heredia Bercero, Marco Cavalieri, Alexandra Chavarrìa Arnau, Rafael Hidalgo Prieto, Josep Maria Macias Solé, Patrizio Pensabene, Carla Sfameni, Maria Turchiano, Giuliano Volpe.

Organizing Secretary: Helena Gozalbes García, Marina Pizzi (


The Congerss was divided in three days (October 28th-29th-30th 2019) and focused on discussing general topics concerning Late Antique housing, with a closer exhamination of specific contexts. For the Congress third edition the talks were organized following a geographical criterion, from East to West, with a section on general topics.
The firs three days were held in San Giovanni in Monte complex, at the Department of History and Cultures (DISCI), University of Bologna.

During the fourth day (October 31st 2019), the Congress moved to Ravenna, where some lectures discussing the latest results of the research on via d'Azeglio complex were presented.
At the end of the Congress, in the same day, the exhibition "Living in Ravenna - Abitare a Ravenna" was inaugurated at the Domus of the Stone Carpets (RA).

The Proceedings of the Congress were published in the series Insulae Diomedeae by Edipuglia (Bari 2021), edited by Isabella Baldini and Carla Sfameni.


Aula Prodi, Dipartimento di Storia Culture e Civiltà, piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2



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The 2nd International Congress of the CISEM, "Living in the Late Antique Mediterranean", was held between the 2nd and the 5th of March 2016 in Bologna.

The Congress lasted four days, three of them (Department of History and Cultures, piazza San Giovanni in Monte 2, Aula Prodi) dedicated to discuss general topics concerning Late Antique housing, with a closer examination on specific contexts. The program focused in particular on regional peculiarities in the Mediterranean, which were analysed by some of the participants in the keynote speeches to the various sessions. On March 5th, the last session was held in Ravenna and dealt with the Late Antique domus of Via D'Azeglio.

The Proceedings of the Congress have been published in the series Insulae Diomedeae by Edipuglia (Bari 2018), edited by Isabella Baldini and Carla Sfameni.


The 1st International Congress of the Inter-University Centre for Studies on Late Antique Mediterranean "La Villa restaurata e i nuovi studi sull’edilizia residenziale tardoantica", was held in Bologna from the 7th to the 10th of November 2012.

The Congress has been developed in different sessions, coordinated by the various operational units of the CISEM, including specialists, members of different Universities, Superintendencies and Research centres: each session has been dedicated to the discussion of particular topics (researches and restorations at the Villa, Late Antique Housing in Sicily, the relationship between housing and public power, the architectural and decorative programs, material culture, palaces and great residences in Hispania and different themes related to restoration and preservation). Other participants presented short contributions and posters about the results of their researches in the field of Late Antique housing.

A guided tour of the Villa allowed to illustrate the results of the last excavation campaigns, directed by the Sapienza University of Rome, and the work of restoration and musealisation led by the Regional Centre for Restoration. It was also possible to visit the archaeological site of Sophiana, where field investigation has been resumed by the University of Messina.

The Congress Proceedings, edited by Patrizio Pensabene and Carla Sfameni, are published by Edipuglia in the Insulae Diomedeae Series (Bari 2014).