Libri e lettori nella Bologna dei papi (1506-1796)

The international online seminar investigates the book in pontifical Bologna from the fall of the Bentivoglio (1506) to the arrival of Napoleonic troops (1796).

Nerve center of the State of the sovereign Pope, the Bologna of typographers, publishers and booksellers has been investigated up to now especially in the period following the introduction of letterpress printing with movable type until the early sixteenth century, and again throughout the second half of the eighteenth century; on the other hand, there is a lack of in-depth investigations into the second half of the sixteenth century and into the long seventeenth century. The seminar will therefore focus on typographic production, with the examination of catalogs by printers, publishers and booksellers in the city, including itinerant ones; on the Bolognese book trade, with surveys in the commercial catalogs of book operators active in Bologna, but also on the directions and ramifications of the market in which the city of Bologna was inserted; on editorial genres, on the construction of the text and editorial paratext between supply and demand for consumption, uses and practices of reading, documented by editions and copies; on the role of specific categories of operators and users of the book. The consumption of different publishing genres by use, destination, size and typographic project, by topic, by diffusion, by use and by type of readers will be the subject of specific in-depth studies. Finally, the contribution of women in the production and circulation of the book in Bologna and the survival of the miniature in the Bolognese book between the 16th and 18th centuries will be investigated.

In light of the ongoing health emergency and the Prime Minister's Decree of 18th October, which bans conferences and conventions in the presence, the webinar will be held on the Microsoft Teams platform.

International Scientific Committee: Edoardo Barbieri, Patrizia Bertini Malgarini, Neil Harris, Paolo Tinti, Wolfgang Schmitz.


Participation is free, but registration is required by email to the Organizing Secretariat () or by filling out the form available in the Agenda section.


 The publication of the proceedings of the seminar is expected by 2021.

The international online seminar was born as part of PRIN 2017, The Dawn of Italian publishing. Technology, Texts and Books in Central and Northern Italy in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, and is part of the activities planned by the project, coordinated by prof. Edoardo Barbieri (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan) and, for the Bologna unit, by prof. Paolo Tinti.

Program (last update 13.11.2020)

THURSDAY, 19th NOVEMBER, 9.30-12.30 am  (discussant: Paolo Tinti)

Benito Rial Costas (Universidad Complutense, Madrid): Il commercio del libro bolognese in Spagna

Federica Fabbri (University of Bologna): Ugo Ruggeri tipografo ed editore: itineranza e attrazione fra Bologna e l'Italia

Federico Olmi (Istituzione Biblioteche del Comune di Bologna): Una biblioteca professionale fra due secoli: i libri del notaio Albizzo Duglioli (1504)

Alessandra Panzanelli (University of Torino): Le edizioni giuridiche nella patria del diritto: una relazione ovvia solo in apparenza

Fermín de los Reyes Gómez (Universidad Complutense, Madrid): El libro de bolsillo entro Boloña y España


THURSDAY, 19th NOVEMBER, 2.30-5.00 pm (discussant: Neil Harris)

Paolo Tinti (University of Bologna): L'esportazione di carta e libri da Bologna negli Stati confinanti nel Cinquecento

Luca Rivali (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan): Da Bologna alla Terra Santa: incunaboli e cinquecentine bolognesi presso la biblioteca dei Francescani di Gerusalemme

Rita De Tata (Bologna State Archive): Aprire una filiale a Roma. La bottega bolognese dei Dossena e la libreria all'insegna del Fiume Giordano (1537-1548)

Ilaria Maggiulli (University of Bologna): Concorrenza e imbrogli nel mondo del libro bolognese di fine Cinquecento: il librario-editore Vincenzo Supranini

Rudj Gorian (University of Trento): Una sconosciuta collezione di ventole stampate da Lelio Dalla Volpe 

Chiara Reatti (University of Bologna): Il libro scolastico-educativo a Bologna: la continuità napoleonica


FRIDAY, 20th NOVEMBER, 09.30-1.00 pm (discussant: Edoardo Barbieri)

Mauro Perani (Università di Bologna): Riusi di stampe ebraiche bolognesi su pergamena nel Cinquecento

Fabrizio Lollini (Università di Bologna): Il libro come unicum. Persistenze del manoscritto miniato nella Bologna della prima età moderna

Simonetta Nicolini (Università di Bologna): Dal trattato tecnico alla descrizione tassonomica: due casi di libri a stampa settecenteschi per la riscoperta della miniatura 

Valentina Sestini (Università di Messina): Donne e tipografia a Bologna in periodo di antico regime

Marco Callegari (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano): Cataloghi librari a Bologna nel Settecento: alcune considerazioni preliminari

Marius Rusu (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano): Intermediari del libro a Bologna nel Settecento: Camillo Businari, agente del Granduca di Toscana

Under the patronage of


Organising office

Via Zamboni, 32 - 40126 Bologna

+39 051 2098566

+39 051 2098555

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Dr. Federica Fabbri