La forza delle lettere. Storia e futuro della comunicazione scritta

A project by 'Griffo. The great gala of letters', organized by the University of Bologna, with the support of UniboCultura and the MAST Foundation, in collaboration with the Bologna University Library and with the patronage of the Municipality of Bologna.

  • Date:

    22 FEBRUARY 2019
  • Event location: Bologna University Library

  • Type: Seminars



FRIDAY, 1st February 2019, 4 pm

Stefano Salis (expert in publishing, typography, bibliophilia and art): La forza delle lettere


FRIDAY, 8th February 2019, 4 pm

Francesca Biasetton (calligrapher, teacher of calligraphy and author of books on handwriting): La lettera, l’occhio e la mano. Il futuro antico della calligrafia.


FRIDAY, 22nd February 2019, 6 pm

Antonio CAVEDONI (font designer, author of the San Francisco, official Apple font): Disegnare lettere oggi


FRIDAY, 1st March 2019, 4 pm

Riccardo Olocco (font designer and typeface history expert): Eredità del Rinascimento. Le minuscole nei caratteri tipografici


FRIDAY, 8th March 2019, 4 pm

Neil Harris (Renaissance book historian): All'insegna dell'àncora. Dal carattere alla marca


FRIDAY, 13rd March 2019, 4 pm

Enrico Tallone (publisher with movable types): Vestire la letteratura. Psicologia e design dei caratteri