Dalla penna al torchio: le illustrazioni negli incunaboli danteschi

The first of three meetings organized by the Gallerie Estensi on the sidelines of the exhibition “Dante illustrato nei secoli. Testimonianze figurate nelle raccolte della Biblioteca Estense Universitaria" (17th September 2021-8th January 2022)

  • Date: 23 NOVEMBER 2021  from 17:30 to 19:00

  • Event location: Sala Conferenze, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, Palazzo dei Musei, Largo Porta Sant'Agostino 337, 41121 Modena, Italia

  • Type: Seminars

Public conference by Paolo Tinti (University of Bologna)


In the incunabula (the printed books produced in the first decades of its invention), Dante's Comedy appeared surrounded by images, aimed at satisfying a very receptive market. Combined with comments and illustrated tables, made with different techniques and different levels of customization, the triplets engaged many specialists of the imprinted page: the printers worked alongside artists and artisans of the illustration, illuminators and decorators. There was no lack of technical difficulties and particular solutions were recorded to the many problems that arose in the delicate passage of the text from the pen of the copyist to the form of the printer.

Free admission, only possible with the Green Pass, subject to availability.

How to reach the Biblioteca Estense Universitaria

Sala conferenze, Palazzo dei Musei, Largo Porta Sant'Agostino 337, 41121 Modena, Italia


Biblioteca Estense Universitaria - Gallerie Estensi

Largo Porta S. Agostino 337

+39 059 4395711

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