
  • Aldus Manutius: Institutionum grammaticarum, 1514

  • [Vocabolario italiano-tedesco], 1479

  • Orazio Torsellini: Lauretanae historiae libri quinque, 1597

  • (Pseudo-) Marcus Fabius Quintilianus: Declamationes maiores, 1482

  • Dante Alighieri: La Commedia, 1481

  • Libro utilissimo a chi se dileta de intendere todescho, dechiarando in lingua taliana, 1511

  • Benedetto Bordon: L’Isole del mondo, 1528

  • Andrea da Barberino: Guerino il Meschino, 1475

  • F. Albergati Capacelli: Commedie, 1800

  • Ulisse Aldrovandi: Quadrupedum omnium bisulcorum historia, 1621

  • Giuseppe D'Alessandro: Opera, 1723

  • Ritratto di Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc, sec. XVIII

  • Bibbia di Mechitar, fore-edge, 1733-1735

  • Sommario delle Costituzioni di un monastero di monache claustrali agostiniane, sec. XVIII

  • Rituale cassinese, sec. XIX

  • Plinius Secundus Gaius: Historia Naturalis (it.), 1476

  • Petrus Apianus: Astronomicum Caesareum, 1540

  • Lucius Coelius Firmianus Lactantius: Opera, 1465

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Online TECA, XII, 5ns (2022)

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Submitting a proposal to the journal «TECA»

The journal «TECA» welcomes contributions about the history of writing, of books, of reading and libraries, the history of typography and publishing, in bibliographic and librarianship disciplines. It hosts studies, research, news, reports and reviews with the aim of enhancing the work of both established scholars and young researchers.
Any interested parties can send their contribution to teca@unibo.it. The editorial rules to be followed are indicated on the Guidelines for Authors page (References section).

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