BIRMAC, Birkbeck, University of London.
Luogo: Free event, registration required. To register please email Marcos Centeno: - Evento online
Session 1. Thur 24 Feb. 4-5pm UK time.
Discussant Rebekah Cuppit (BIRMAC, Birkbeck, University of London)
Algorithmic Memory: Digital Media and the National September 11 Memorial & Museum
Joel McKim (Birkbeck, University of London)
Session 2. Thursday 7h March 10am-12pm UK time Building Tuol Sleng
Discussant Professor Astrid Erll (Founder of Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform, Goethe University Frankfur)
The Long Journey from the atrocity paradigm to cultural heritage: Discovering S-21, Building Tuol Sleng
Professor Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (PI Repecri, University of Valencia)
The Holocaust in a Chinese Mirror - reflections on Shanghai's Jewish Refugees Museum
Professor Edward Vickers (UNESCO Chair on Education for Peace, Social Justice and Global Citizenship, Kyushu University, Japan)
Session 3. Thur30 March 3-5pm
Transnational Memory of the Sino-Japanese War
Discussant: Marcos Centeno (University of Valencia. Birkbeck, University of London)
Reading the Transformations of Chinese War of Resistance Museums in the Xi Jinping Era through the Visual Analysis
Bajgerova, Marketa (ERC Project “Globalized Memorial Museums”, Austrian Academy of Science and University of Vienna)
Investigating Photography Albums of Japanese Soldiers in North-East China. Methodological and Epistemological Challenges
Jasmin Ruckert (Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf)
Memorial sites in Korea
Discussant Owen Miller (SOAS, University of London)
The Korean War through Women’s Eyes: Sinchon Museum of American War Atrocities
Suzy Kim (Rutgers University)
Jeju 4.3 – Postmemory Aesthetics of Museal Images
Hyun Seon Lee (SOAS, University of London)
Session 4. Friday 12 May 4-5.30pm.
Discussant Piotr Cieplak (University of Sussex)
Globalized Memorial Museums – Victim Hierarchies and Travelling Musealization Trends
Ljiljana Radonić (PI ERC project “Globalised Memorial Museums”, Vice-director of the Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Forensic Reframings of Museums and Memorial Sites at the former Nazi Camps
Zuzanna Dziuban, (ERC project Globalized Memorial Museums, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Lidice – From “Ground Zero” to the Present
Ivo Plsek (Masaryk University).
Session 5 Thur 15th June. 3-5.30pm
Discussant Mari-Paz Balibrea (CILAVS, Birkbeck, University of London)
The second life of difficult heritage. Visual re-enunciations of fascist architecture between political mobilizations and pop-culture representations.
Professor Francesco Mazzucchelli (PI TraMe – Center for the Semiotic Study of Memory, University of Bologna)
Memory in The Making: La Barranca And The Mujeres De Negro Through Their Images
Zoé de Kerangat (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Democratic visions for a conflictive heritage. The cinematographic 'counter-memory' of the Valley of the Fallen (1978-2016)
Maria C. Puche-Ruiz & María José Romero-Ternero (Universidad de Sevilla).
Identification and analysis of sites of memory in the city of Seville. Dissemination and heritage interpretation strategies
Maria C. Puche-Ruiz, Pilar Díaz-Cuevas & Alfonso Fernández-Tabales (Universidad de Sevilla).