Dissonant museums and difficult objects. The case of face casts in anthropological museums.

Speaker: Francesco Mazzucchelli. Joint Lecture for the students of the class of Semiotics of Memory, MA in Semiotics (University of Bologna), and the Master Degree in Cultural Heritage and Sustainability (University of Uppsala, Campus Gotland)

Calchi facciali di Lidio Cipriani al Museo di Antropologia dello SMA dell'Università di Bologna
  • Data: 20 APRILE 2022  dalle 17:00 alle 19:00

  • Luogo: Aula C (I piano), Dipartimento di Filosofia e Comunicazione, Via Azzo Gardino - Evento in presenza e online

The seminar will introduce the students to some key issues related to dissonant and difficult heritage, with a specific focus on problematic museum collections. After introducing some key concepts, I will present some examples of difficult collections related to the physical anthropology of the beginning of XX century (especially collections of plaster face masks) and the issues related to their musealization and heritagization.

With the participation of Anna Karlstrom and Mattias Legner, University of Uppsala, Dept. of Art History - Conservation

Joint Lecture for the students of the class of Semiotics of Memory, MA in Semiotics (University of Bologna), and the Master Degree in Cultural Heritage and Sustainability (University of Uppsala, Campus Gotland)